Car Insurance Tips for Young and Old Drivers

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Auto Insurance Secrets

Many people often complain about how expensive the car insurance rate is. Car insurance rate is indeed expensive but you don’t have to pay for the full price. You can get the car insurance coverage at a cheaper rate if you apply the discounts. One of the factors that influence the car insurance discounts is age. There is a different rate assigned for drivers in different age groups.

If your age is under 25 years old, the insurance provider will increase the car insurance premium rate because young drivers have a higher tendency of getting involved in accidents. If you are aged above 25 years old, you will pay a lesser car insurance rate. The car insurance premium rate for senior citizens is also expensive. If you are aged above 65 years old, you will probably get the same high rate that young drivers pay. Senior drivers are old so their bodies can move around conveniently. Their eye sights are not as good as in their younger days. Therefore, they have to pay a higher car insurance rate.

 Young drivers and senior drivers can get cheaper insurance rate by attending the drivers defensive course. The driver defensive course has professional instructors to teach you how to drive carefully on the road. After you have attended the drivers defensive course, you will find that you are more knowledgeable about the traffic law. It is important that you obey the traffic laws if you don’t want to get involved in the car accidents. After you graduated from the drivers defensive course, you will receive a certification. You can show the certification to the car insurance provider. When the car insurance provider sees the certification, he will give you discount on the car insurance premium.

 Young drivers can also get discount by doing well at school. Many car insurance companies are offering discounts for young drivers that score all As in their SAT or ACT exams. If you score straight As in your SAT or Act exams, you can bring the transcript to the insurance provider and ask him to give some discount. You can also get the good students discount if you score at least Bs in all your subjects. The better your exam grades is, the more discounts you will get. If you are an excellent student in the school, you can ask the headmaster to write a letter to the insurance provider. Students who rank in the top 20% of the school can expect to get the good students discount. The good students discount can help you to reduce the car insurance premium by 10 – 15%. 

 Before buying car insurance, be sure to spend time using the search engine to do research on the car insurance rates. By doing research on the car insurance rates, you will be able to save your money and buy from a reliable car insurance provider. The car insurance provides should have good feedbacks from customers and high financial rating so that you won’t get cheated..