Tips To Finding Affordable Car Insurance

January 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Article by Jon Arnold

Affordable car insurance is something that everyone wants to find and have. You realize that you cannot afford to drive a car on the road without insurance, at least not without asking for trouble, but keeping car insurance as affordable as possible, especially with consumers tightening their belts to the breaking point these days, can be a challenge.

With that in mind, below are listed several tips to keep in mind so that you can find the most affordable car insurance available. By employing all of these tips, you will certainly be able to get the most affordable car insurance available.

1. Keep a good driving record. This is probably obvious, but it is probably the single biggest criteria in keeping your car insurance rates low. Moving violation tickets (as opposed to parking tickets which are not a moving violation) are the worst thing you can have. And if you lie to your insurance company, it is even worse because they will find out via your state’s motor vehicle department, and then they will re-bill you for the months that you were paying lower car insurance rates.

2. Consider the car you are insuring. Based on years of statistics, the insurance companies have different rates for different makes and models of cars. For example, if you want a sporty car, the typical rate on a Dodge Stealth is almost twice as much as the very similar Mitsubishi Eclipse for the same year car, so before you buy a new or used car, check to see how it fares in terms of insurance.

3. Manage your deductibles. Your insurance rate for a 0 deductible is going to be much higher than your rates with a 0 deductible. Determine how and where you drive, then choose sensible deductible levels to keep your rates low.

4. Eliminate collision insurance. If you have a car that you are still making payments on or it is a leased car, you are required to carry collision insurance on your car insurance policy. But if it is an older car that is paid off, you may want to eliminate the collision insurance since you are no longer required to carry it. But keep in mind if you are in an accident, chances are that the entire cost of repairs will come out of your pocket.

5. Use whatever discounts can be applied. Sometimes discounts may be available for employees of a local large company. For your teen drivers, some companies offer a good student discount for the student who maintains a B or better grade point average. If it makes financial sense, check out also placing your homeowner’s insurance with this company if they offer a multi-policy or multi-product discount.

6. Believe it or not, keep your credit history as clean as possible. Car insurance companies are starting to look at consumer’s credit reports when quoting car insurance rates because they allegedly have studies which indicate that people with lower credit scores make more claims. If your credit report is not squeaky clean, find out what you can do to get it cleaned up.

And saving the most important tip for last, by all means shop around. Do not choose an insurance company just because they are in the next block or your brother-in-law works there. This is a competitive industry and let the company prove that they want your business by offering you an attractive rate. Do not be afraid to shop online either, since many times online car insurance can save you a ton over what the local insurance company can offer, and provide you with the most affordable car insurance you can get.

For more insights and additional information about finding Affordable Car Insurance as well as getting a free online car insurance quote that may be very affordable, please visit our web site at


Tips To Find Affordable Female Car Insurance Policy

January 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Anthony Kelly

The female car insurance rates are always cheaper than men whatever the market condition is, in insurance industry. Comparative studies between car insurance price of 2009 and 2010 show that this year the policy prices are following an upward trend. But even during a situation like this, car insurance for women has experienced lesser hike than men’s. Females are always considered to be safe drivers by the insurers. Hence, they charge low premium amount for females as compared to males. In addition to this advantage, a woman can follow the useful tips below to reduce the price of female car insurance policy further.

Tips to find affordable female car insurance policy

You must check for the discounts offered by your insurer. The discounts always reduce the premium value for all types of policies and many insurer offer discounts on the basis of a person’s occupation. Since your policy price is much lower than men’s you can further reduce the amount by asking about discounts.Keep a tab on the deductible amount on both comprehensive and collision coverage. High deductible can reduce premium amounts largely. Hence, decide for a deductible amount that you can afford. It has been observed by the insurers, that women tend to follow the traffic rules more than men. Hence, there is no need for you to buy a female car insurance that has high liability limits. The high liability limits will ultimately push up the premium amount. Hence, select policies that have low liability limits. The price of car insurance policy varies greatly from company to company. But you must not look into the price solely. Always check that the female car insurance policy satisfies all your specific needs like handbag cover, breakdown assistance (including home start) etc. Purchasing cars that have safety features is one more way to get affordable policies. The insurers demand lower premium rates for such vehicles than high risk cars like sports and luxury cars.

There are several insurers who offer car insurance, but very few offer only female car insurance. You can always get all your insurance needs if the policy is designed specifically for women. is one such company that offers female car insurance. You can get request for free online quotes through their website. You can also see the types of coverage they provide in their policy. Visit their official website to know more about the company. provides cheap car insurance quote for women in UK and Ireland. Call 1890 886 227 for more information.


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