Ensuring Proper Coverage With Low Cost Insurance

April 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Low Cost Health, Life etc

Article by Mary Duares

There are so many insurance companies and so many options. How do you make heads and tails of it all? You could choose an agent, but some agents will know you are not comfortable making decisions about liabilities and deductibles. They may suggest coverage you don’t need. If you choose your own values, you may go too low on your car insurance coverage. In order to assure that you have the right amount of insurance, arm yourself with knowledge about the insurance industry.

The reason for insurance is to help pay for damages you are responsible for without diminishing your assets. The amount of insurance needed varies from person to person. Too little coverage could result in lawsuits and requisition of assets to pay for what your coverage did not. Too much coverage is a waste of money. The best low cost car insurance is a balance between all coverage amounts at a fair price. Car insurance quotes can help you decide if you are paying too much for an insurance policy.

Collision coverage pays for personal property damage for the owner of the policy. Someone with a vehicle worth ,000 will need more collision coverage than a person with a vehicle worth ,000. Collision coverage usually only pays for the estimated value of the vehicle, not actual cost or replacement cost. This amount can be adjusted as your vehicle ages. Why hold ,000 of collision when your vehicle is only worth ,000?

Comprehensive coverage pays for damages to personal property of the policy holder in case of non-collision damages such as flood, fire, theft, or animal damage. This is also set normally based on the value of the vehicle.

Liability coverage pays for other people’s property damages. If a person doesn’t have adequate liability coverage, they could be sued and lose their assets. The person with major wealth will need more liability coverage than someone who rents a home and has minimal savings. Assets include checking accounts, savings accounts, stock, bonds, homes, vehicles, and wages. This amount is one of the most important when shopping for low car insurance.

Bodily injury limits coverage is a tough one to calculate. ,000 may seem like a lot at first, but once you add up the medical bills, physical therapy bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, ,000 goes quick. The best course of action here is to check with your state’s insurance department and inquire what the average injury claim is each year. You can base your coverage on that amount or you can choose a higher amount.

After you have figured out how much insurance coverage is right for you situation, apply for free car insurance quotes. The more the better. You will have a better chance at finding low car insurance with more quotes. Enter the same values for each quote or use a site that will give you multiple quotes with only one form. This ensures you will get a quote for the same amount of insurance across the board.

Separate summary: Do not get frustrated when shopping for low car insurance. To save the most, doing homework on the ins and outs of insurance is a must. Understanding the terms and what they mean to you is paramount. After getting your free car insurance quotes and comparing them, you are ready to buy. Now go drive with confidence and security.

While searching for low cost car insurance, this site http://www.carinsuranceguy.info/ will explain even more terms to help you fill out your car insurance quote forms.

Do not get frustrated when shopping for low car insurance. To save the most, doing homework on the ins and outs of insurance is a must. Understanding the terms and what they mean to you is paramount. After getting your free car insurance quotes and comparing them, you are ready to buy. Now go drive with confidence and security.


17 year old car owner/driver needs a proper car insurance policy

November 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by ashok kaul

17 year old car owner/driver needs a proper car insurance policy

With the number of young car drivers growing every day, there is a need for a specific car insurance policy, which caters to 17-year-old drivers, having their own cars.

While we have the figures showing that the younger drivers being inexperienced are involved in more car and other accidents, than the older drivers. However, it cannot be said for the whole lot of young drivers, particularly the 17-year-old car drivers. At the same time, there is a greater need to educate the young car drivers including 17-year-old drivers to search for a comprehensive and proper car insurance policy that suits them best.

Certain insurance brokers may offer an insurance policy that has every stuff in it and ultimately it may not prove useful to the 17-year-old car driver, as there may be nanny benefits offered with the car insurance policy, which are not at required by the young driver.

The law should be very stringent with regard to the car insurance policy, particularly for the 17-year-old car drivers having their own cars. The law has to ensure that a 17-year-old car driver has a proper and well-documented car insurance policy, before he takes on the wheels and goes off to the road for a drive. Certain countries have fixed penalties for not having a proper car insurance policy by the 17-year-old car driver. In Great Britain the penalty for not having proper car insurance is a six point fine. This means in real terms that a 17-year-old car driver has to appear for a retest as their license gets revoked due to this offense.

Young car drivers, especially 17-year-old drivers and till the age of 25 years, are deemed as high-risk drivers. This means that the chances of more accidents are higher with this age group of drivers. Hence, most of the insurance companies add up their costs to quote a higher price for a 17-year-old car driver to have the car properly insured.

However, there are many instances where we can find that the insurance brokers and companies have a genuine case to put up the prices, as 17-year-old car insurance will have to meet the excess claims from the 17-year-old drivers due to their inefficient handling of the vehicle and its maintenance..But at the same time there are certain car insurance companies who provide 17-year-old car insurance at cheaper and reasonable prices, as they are specialists in the field of providing car insurance policies to the young drivers only, like a 17-year-old driver.

One needs to do a online search for such companies and here is the link to one website that can help

. http://www.car-insurances-online.com/17-year-old-driver-auto-insurance.htmDuring the course of learning car driving, a 17-year-old car driver is taught to drive slowly and that too a older vehicle, so that the driving skills get perfect and the 17 year car insurance policy is also cheaper to get. Another web site address given here can be of much help in this direction.


In Netherlands, we can find many Dutch companies that can give a proper autoVerzekering and the companies like the following Dutch website can prove very useful

: http://www.car-insurances-online.com/autoverzekeringen-aanbieders-nederland.htm

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