Tips To Find Affordable Female Car Insurance Policy

January 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Anthony Kelly

The female car insurance rates are always cheaper than men whatever the market condition is, in insurance industry. Comparative studies between car insurance price of 2009 and 2010 show that this year the policy prices are following an upward trend. But even during a situation like this, car insurance for women has experienced lesser hike than men’s. Females are always considered to be safe drivers by the insurers. Hence, they charge low premium amount for females as compared to males. In addition to this advantage, a woman can follow the useful tips below to reduce the price of female car insurance policy further.

Tips to find affordable female car insurance policy

You must check for the discounts offered by your insurer. The discounts always reduce the premium value for all types of policies and many insurer offer discounts on the basis of a person’s occupation. Since your policy price is much lower than men’s you can further reduce the amount by asking about discounts.Keep a tab on the deductible amount on both comprehensive and collision coverage. High deductible can reduce premium amounts largely. Hence, decide for a deductible amount that you can afford. It has been observed by the insurers, that women tend to follow the traffic rules more than men. Hence, there is no need for you to buy a female car insurance that has high liability limits. The high liability limits will ultimately push up the premium amount. Hence, select policies that have low liability limits. The price of car insurance policy varies greatly from company to company. But you must not look into the price solely. Always check that the female car insurance policy satisfies all your specific needs like handbag cover, breakdown assistance (including home start) etc. Purchasing cars that have safety features is one more way to get affordable policies. The insurers demand lower premium rates for such vehicles than high risk cars like sports and luxury cars.

There are several insurers who offer car insurance, but very few offer only female car insurance. You can always get all your insurance needs if the policy is designed specifically for women. is one such company that offers female car insurance. You can get request for free online quotes through their website. You can also see the types of coverage they provide in their policy. Visit their official website to know more about the company. provides cheap car insurance quote for women in UK and Ireland. Call 1890 886 227 for more information.



December 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Direct46

When you want to buy a vintage or classic car for your son, you would definitely like to look after that particular investment. For doing so, you need to find an insurance company that concentrates in insuring the vintage and the classic cars. There are a lot of insurance companies that offer different insurance policies for your classic automobiles. The endorsement that is done on the vintage and classic car insurance policy is far different from that done on the common car insurance policies.Now days there are lots of vintage cars that already junk because there are lots of new models of cars that out in the market. Even though it’s already a classic yet it is durable and some people found it as a unique to their eyes. There are lots of vintage cars that were enhanced by different automobiles shop.

The purpose of conventional car insurance is to protect the regular cars which you drive each and every day. The accurate kind of security for the classic and vintage cars is projected by the classic or vintage car insurance policy. When you decide to search the most excellent classic car insurance rates and quotes, you have to consider a few things. The precise insurance coverage for a normal car is not the correct coverage that you are looking for your vintage or classic cars. There are a lot of factors that have an impact on the cost of your car insurance policy. A few of them are the age of your classic car, the cost and the actual value of substitution parts, and whether these parts are easily available or not. Your classic car should have a good quality of a security system, which will certainly help in protecting it against any robbery and it will also help you in getting a reasonable amount of discount on your car insurance policy.

Usually the classic car has to be appraised in value each and every year, and with each modification that has been carried out on the car. These appraisals are required by the insurance companies in order to determine the actual value of the car so that they can settle on a premium for your policy. The insurance company itself can do these appraisals, if you like to get it done by them. The insurance companies send their representative to your doorstep and you can get each and every done within a span of few minutes. These days you can even search for the online insurance companies who are willing to provide many types of free services with your car insurance policy as well. You need to compare a few different car insurance rates and quotes in order to settle on the best that perfectly suits you.


I am a car insurance agent for a long time and I deal insurance that is affordable. I always deal with companies that are selling cars


Car Insurance Policy: Insure Your Cars!

November 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Henry Bell

Whether you are an experienced driver or inexperienced, whether you are a male or a female, as per the law in UK, you should definitely have a car insurance policy, if you own a car. Apart from being a legal liability, owning a car insurance policy is also a personal responsibility. It will insure you against any instance of loss or damage that may happen to your car.

Almost everybody has a car of his own in this age. With the increase in the number of vehicles, there is also rapid increase of cars in the streets of UK. This has led to a rise in the number of car accidents in UK. To overcome these problems, it is highly imperative for you to own a car insurance policy.

There are different types of car insurance policies in UK and you can choose from any of these according to your needs and requirements. Third Party Only policy covers all the damages and medical expenses that you injure in an accident. Third Party Fire and Theft policy enables you to cover the loss of your vehicle because of fire or theft. Comprehensive policy is an overall blanket type of car insurance policy, that covers everything–from public liability to personal damages, fire and theft and the loss of contents of your car.

You should choose carefully from any of these car insurance policies and buy the policy that suits you. Say for instance, if you own an inexpensive car, you must never go for the Comprehensive Policy; you must then procure Third Party Only or Third Party Fire or Theft.

You can even add some additional services such as breakdown cover, legal protection etc by paying a little extra. Apart from that all insurance companies provide for windscreen protection cover, a 24 hour helpline etc.

To avail a perfect car insurance policy, you need to do a little groundwork. You must meticulously study the quotes available in the market. With online facilities that are available nowadays, you can easily search for a car insurance policy. With the click of the mouse, you can search and even buy a car insurance policy for yourself. Thus, without any further delay, you must buy a car insurance policy today.

Henry Bell is an author who can certainly identify the kind of insurance that you will need. He is proficient in the insurance world; he is an MBA(finance) from University of Oxford. endeavors to find the best possible deals for its customers. To find car insurance policy, Travel insurance, Home Insurance in UK, Van insurance, Motorcycle insurance, Holiday insurance, Pet insurance in the UK visit


17 year old car owner/driver needs a proper car insurance policy

November 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by ashok kaul

17 year old car owner/driver needs a proper car insurance policy

With the number of young car drivers growing every day, there is a need for a specific car insurance policy, which caters to 17-year-old drivers, having their own cars.

While we have the figures showing that the younger drivers being inexperienced are involved in more car and other accidents, than the older drivers. However, it cannot be said for the whole lot of young drivers, particularly the 17-year-old car drivers. At the same time, there is a greater need to educate the young car drivers including 17-year-old drivers to search for a comprehensive and proper car insurance policy that suits them best.

Certain insurance brokers may offer an insurance policy that has every stuff in it and ultimately it may not prove useful to the 17-year-old car driver, as there may be nanny benefits offered with the car insurance policy, which are not at required by the young driver.

The law should be very stringent with regard to the car insurance policy, particularly for the 17-year-old car drivers having their own cars. The law has to ensure that a 17-year-old car driver has a proper and well-documented car insurance policy, before he takes on the wheels and goes off to the road for a drive. Certain countries have fixed penalties for not having a proper car insurance policy by the 17-year-old car driver. In Great Britain the penalty for not having proper car insurance is a six point fine. This means in real terms that a 17-year-old car driver has to appear for a retest as their license gets revoked due to this offense.

Young car drivers, especially 17-year-old drivers and till the age of 25 years, are deemed as high-risk drivers. This means that the chances of more accidents are higher with this age group of drivers. Hence, most of the insurance companies add up their costs to quote a higher price for a 17-year-old car driver to have the car properly insured.

However, there are many instances where we can find that the insurance brokers and companies have a genuine case to put up the prices, as 17-year-old car insurance will have to meet the excess claims from the 17-year-old drivers due to their inefficient handling of the vehicle and its maintenance..But at the same time there are certain car insurance companies who provide 17-year-old car insurance at cheaper and reasonable prices, as they are specialists in the field of providing car insurance policies to the young drivers only, like a 17-year-old driver.

One needs to do a online search for such companies and here is the link to one website that can help

. the course of learning car driving, a 17-year-old car driver is taught to drive slowly and that too a older vehicle, so that the driving skills get perfect and the 17 year car insurance policy is also cheaper to get. Another web site address given here can be of much help in this direction.

In Netherlands, we can find many Dutch companies that can give a proper autoVerzekering and the companies like the following Dutch website can prove very useful


qualified engineer with graduation in commerce and arts

Having writing experience of more than 29 years.


Budget Car Insurance for Families with Teen Drivers Move On to a New Car Insurance Policy for Your Family that Fits Your Budget

September 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by David Nalin

Car insurance for families with teens might be a little more pricier, but it can protect you from financial disaster while protecting your car, your driving teen, and your family. Comparing policies takes time and effort, but it’ll bring you the best budget car insurance to keep your family safe and your budget under control.

Budget car insurance for teens is worth shopping around for. It’s hardly debatable that teens are the riskiest group of drivers to insure, and insurance underwriters are armed with statistics showing that teens are almost four times as likely to get into a car accident. In the US, car accidents are the number one cause of death for teens. The fact that a teen is more likely to kill a passenger in a car than themselves increases the teen driver’s liability risk even more. However, car insurance companies are trying to create standards to reduce costs for teenagers that are more likely to be a safer risk. To find the best budget car insurance for your teen, arm yourself with information and start asking questions beyond the provisions of the first quote.

If you have a current car insurance policy in the household, getting a preliminary quote on adding a teen as an occasional driver is a good place to start. As easy as it may sound to add your teenager to your current policy, you might find that a competitive car insurance company can offer you a more cost-effective car insurance policy for you and your teen. It might be time for a change to a budget friendly car insurance company.

Your car insurance company might provide you with a great policy if you’re a well-to-do couple with a clean driving record, but as soon as you add a teen on to that policy, the risk to the insurance company doubles, and many car insurance companies discourage car insurance for teens by requesting budget-straining high premiums and deductibles. However, others are creating strategies to recruit the teen drivers that are most likely to be a relatively safe risk, such as offering discounts for high grades and driver’s education, or even non-smoking. By targeting the low-risk teens, these car insurance companies gain a lucrative market that conventional car insurance companies may pass over, thus creating a financial environment which allows them to offer budget car insurance to attract teens and still make a profit while parents and teens save money.

To find the best budget car insurance for you and your teens, analyze policies based on total costs and benefits, not merely the increase in monthly payments that arises from adding a teenage driver. By shopping around, you’ll find the best car insurance deal for you and your teen at a car insurance company that is teenager-friendly, and adult friendly. Compare policies and keep an open mind toward evaluating budget car insurance for your teen and your family. The biggest car insurance company isn’t always the best car insurance company, or the best for your budget.

Budget car insurance for teens through a new car insurance company may even result in a savings on your entire family policy. With a budget car insurance policy that fits your family, your budget, your cars, and your family will be well-protected.

Looking for the cheap car insurance? Ouronline car insurancewebsite offers free tips and information on comprehensive car insurance,third party car insurance


Getting cheap car insurance policy

August 30, 2010 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Looking for a car insurance policy? Then you have hit the right place. The car insurance policy provides you coverage in the case of the happening like car accident. It is similar to the life insurance policy. There are strict rules against the vehicles which don’t have the car insurance policies. Thus it is essential for you to have insurance policy for your vehicle.

The companies that provide car insurance policy will also provide different kinds of discounts on the various car insurance policies. You have to choose the policy among the large number of the policies that different companies provide you. The rate of the premium of the car insurance policy will decide the cost of the car insurance policy. The car insurance can also be bought online with the help of the internet.

The internet is the easiest way to buy the car insurance policy. In the case of buying the policy online, it will help you to save the money that you would be spending on visiting one company to another company. Also, calling up each and every company and getting the details of the large number f policies is not easy and is also cumbersome.

The different ways by which you ca n get discounts on the car insurance policies are the safe driving methods, maintain a clean driving record and also the experience of the driving matters a lot. For teenagers, it is difficult to get a car insurance policy at cheap rates because they are not so experienced drivers ant they are more prone to accidents due to lack of the driving experience. Thus the car insurance policy for the teenagers comes at a higher cost as compared in other cases.

You can also get the discount on the car insurance policy if you take the policy from the company from which you have bought some other types of the insurance policy also. This is because the company is then more willing to put faith in you. This is the reason that companies have the schemes of the dual policies also where in you can save a large amount of the money. In the case of the online insurance policy you can also make the payment of the car insurance policy online with the help of the internet and then you can get the record of the car insurance policy in the print format.

Get answer to all of your auto insurance questions and obtain free car insurance quotes online..

Necessity Of Having A Car Insurance Policy

June 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies


We all know that it is illegal to drive without a driver’s license; likewise it is also illegal to drive without a car insurance Policy. In most of the countries the government has made it a law that every individual who owns a car should have car insurance policy. The auto insurance policy is a life saver for those owning a vehicle. The insurance policy acts as a protective shield for you when you are driving. It also protects the lives of the other people incase of any injury caused to them through your reckless driving. If you do not have an auto insurance policy, there are chances of you being charged with heavy fines, your drivers’ license might get suspended and you can also go behind bars. Hence it is absolutely necessary to have insurance policy for your car.

Car insurance policy pay for collision repairs as long as you are paying your deductibles which are part of your insurance policy. Most of the auto insurance policies do not cover all the expenses. Accidents are unpredictable. In case of any severe accident caused by you, the deductibles which you are paying will cover the damage repairs. The person who has an insurance policy is required to pay a certain amount for the damage caused but it entirely depends upon the type of insurance policy one has opted for. In the event of a bad car crash, it is a liability for your insurance company to pay for the heavy cost of repairs too.

Car insurance policy also pays for your personal injuries. If you have a sudden mishap while driving your car and you are required to get hospitalized, the policy will cover all your medical bills. It will pay for your medical treatment as well as for those traveling in your car. Not to forget, the insurance coverage is liable to pay for the medical costs and vehicle repair of the people incase your car collided with their car.

It is considered to be a serious offence if you are driving your car without an insurance policy. Say, for example, you are driving your car without getting it insured and you suddenly hit another car; what are the consequences you might have to face? If the other driver is severely injured and is being hospitalized, you might have to deal with some serious legal issues which would not be welcoming for you. If the authorities find out that you do not have an insurance policy for your vehicle, then there are chances of you being dragged to the court. Besides, you will have to pay a heavy fine, followed by suspension of your drivers’ license and ultimately going behind the bars. They might even seize your car and ask for a heavy remuneration. Hence it is very much important to have a car insurance policy, not only for the sake of paying for the heavy expenses that might incur, but also for safeguarding yourself against such legal issues. In case you want to avoid such unwelcoming situations, it is advisable that you get your car insured, get your life insured.

Car insurance protects you against financial loss if you meet with an accident. So get your car insured now. One should go for an affordable car insurance which can easily find online. Online car insurance is hassle free and leaves you from the worries of paper work.


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