Review Your Policy for Cheap Auto Insurance Rates

March 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Cheap Auto Insurance

Article by Chris Robertson

It’s not unusual for people to look for cheap auto insurance rates when they first insure a new car, but few follow up at renewal time to make sure they’re still getting the cheapest auto insurance rates possible. One of the best times to reduce your current premiums is the time when most people expect their insurance premiums to go up – renewal time. If your policy is up for renewal soon, or if you’ve already received your insurance policy renewal, these tips can help you find savings in your current policy, or find cheap auto insurance rates with another company online.

First, find the declaration page of your insurance policy. It may also be called a summary page. It usually looks like a chart, and lists all of your insurance coverage. It will list who is covered, and for how much, and should also tell you which discounts you are receiving on your policy or which ones you may qualify for. If there’s anything you don’t understand, contact your insurance agent for an explanation. If you bought cheap auto insurance through the company directly, contact their customer service department and ask them to explain it to you.

Look over the mandatory coverage entries. Every state requires a specific amount of coverage for bodily injury and property damage liability. In some states, a policy that only covers these minimums offers the best cheap insurance rates you can get. This coverage protects you from financial damage if you’re involved in a car accident that causes property damage or bodily injury. In many cases, those compulsory limits may be too low, but you can keep it low if you consider an umbrella policy that provides additional personal liability coverage. An umbrella policy may be cheaper than carrying additional liability coverage on your auto insurance policy.

The optional insurance policy includes many different types of insurance, including collision insurance, which pays for repairs to your vehicle if you’re involved in an accident that is your fault; uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, which covers the cost of repairs to your vehicle if you’re involved in an accident with a driver that doesn’t have insurance; and loan lease coverage, which may be required by the lender if you have a loan outstanding on your car. Those three types of insurance are usually worthwhile, but many other optional insurance types cost more than they’re worth – or are available through other means. For example, your policy may include coverage for towing and labor which is cheaper through a roadside assistance company, and limited coverage, such as glass protection. If you’re looking for cheap insurance rates, eliminating duplicated or unnecessary coverage could save you a considerable amount on your annual premiums.

Finally, look over your discounts and credits. These will vary from one insurer to the next, but may include multi-policy discounts if you insure your home and auto with the same company, discounts for insuring more than one vehicle, discounts for buying your auto insurance online, discounts for paying your auto insurance in full – even discounts for maintaining high grades in your college classes. You’ll also find that safety features such as airbags and parking assistance systems can help you get cheap auto insurance rates.

Once you go over your policy to find ways to save money, call your insurance agent to discuss possible discounts – but don’t let loyalty blind you to the cheapest auto insurance rates. Look online for cheap auto insurance rates at websites that allow you to submit multiple quote requests to find out if other companies can give you a better deal on your auto insurance.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world’s MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.Learn more about Cheap Auto Insurance Rates.


Car insurance policy

March 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Brenda Williams

One of the most important things that you need to keep in mind while buying a valuable commodity is to insure it. There are insurance companies offering policies which cover all aspects of our daily existence, from our health to wealth. It is therefore no different with vehicles or your personal car. Auto or car insurance is an extremely beneficial investment. You don’t want to lose control one day in the high speed lanes, injure yourself and your car and dump it helplessly. A car insurance policy is extremely vital and valid in order to prevent such mishaps.

A car insurance policy in the US in fact also acts as insurance for he driver of the car. A car insurance policy there covers many aspects. First of all the physical damage suffered by your car is covered. This means that in case of collision the property loss to your car is covered. Secondly, there is the comprehensive coverage which insures your car in the event of damage caused by non-collision factors, such as fire, theft, vandalism, etc. The car insurance policy also covers the liabilities, which may either be bodily injury or property damage.

The insurance covering for the bodily injury relates to the incident of death of the driver, which may either be you or anyone else recognized by the car insurance policy. In case of property damage it relates to the damage caused to someone else’s vehicle or property by your car. The extent of the liability is fixed at the time of insurance however. Besides these a car insurance policy also covers your medical expenses resulting from accidents.

Hence as you can see, the importance of a car insurance policy cannot be overstated. It is not only meant for the safety of your car alone but more importantly for the well-being of you and your family.

Brenda is the owner of Auto Insurance Quote website. She posts the latest car insurance news, new car insurance quotes, and Old Car insurance quotes.


A Car Insurance Policy For Your Specific Requirements

March 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Jack

One of the most necessary expenses you pay is that of your car insurance. When you own a car, you can not be without car insurance, it is just too risky. It is becoming more an more difficult to find cheap car insurance that doesn’t trick you in some way, that is why it is important that you know exactly what you need covered and what not. For instance, if your car is parked in a locked garage every night, your premium should be cheaper, because the coverage would be less needed. Know exactly what you have and what you need to ensure that you get an affordable, accurate insurance premium.

When looking for a cheap insurance policy, start by collecting different quotes from direct-sell insurance companies, independent brokers and the internet. You can request online quotes as well as look at policy reviews that will save you a lot of time and probably money too. Also always remember to look for a reputable insurer. Ask your friends, family or neighbours to tell you about their insurance companies and the service and assistance they offer. It is no use having the best policy when a claim can not be paid out because the company is taking its time. Remember to ask questions.

Your insurance policy premium is based on a lot of things, one of them being the type of car you drive. It will obviously be impossible to find a cheap car insurance policy if you drive a sport scar like a Porche. Because the value of the car is higher than an average car and because the risk of driving a sports car is bigger, your premium will be much higher than an average car’s. Also always remember to check the insurance premium before you buy a new car, as the premium can be increased by almost anything. Another important thing that will affect your premium cost is the area you live in. If you live in a high-crime area, your premium will obviously be much higher than if you did not. So be sure to check out these crucial details before committing to a policy.

The age and value of your car is very important when trying to find a cheap car insurance policy. If you drive a R1 million car, your insurance premium will be very high, but if your car is worth about R20 000, your premium will be much lower. Your insurance premium will also be affected by the age of your car. If you are buying a pre-owned vehicle, your premium can not be as much as when you are buying a brand new vehicle. So it is very important to know exactly what you have and what you need from your insurer and your premium.

Things like a good driving record, having an anti-hijacking system in your vehicle, the amount of kilometres you drive a month and the area you live in will all have an impact on your insurance policy premium. Take them into consideration when looking for the right premium and you should be just fine.

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How to Know When Your Small Business is Ready For a Commercial Car Insurance Policy

February 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Anthony Peck

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are living in the era of the reemergence of the small business. Thanks to the power of the Internet small, independently owned companies are once again on the rise, and we’re seeing an absolute boom of small niche stores the likes of which haven’t been seen since the department store came to town! If you’re a small business owner, congratulations. You’re a part of a new era in history. Now what are you doing about your car insurance?

Most of us don’t think a whole lot about car insurance when we’re starting a small business. Sure, commercial trucking companies and rental cars need a commercial car insurance policy. That’s just a given. But what about the little guy? What about the private contractor or the Mary Kay sales professional? You might be surprised to find out small businesses like these need commercial car insurance coverage just as much as the next guy.

What’s the Difference Between a Commercial Car Insurance Policy and an Everyday, Ordinary, Run of the Mill Policy?

One of the questions insurance agents hear the most is, “What’s the difference between a commercial policy and a regular one?” The differences are subtle, so they’re a little tricky. First and foremost, a personal car insurance policy won’t cover accidents that take place while you’re on company business. Picking up the boss’s dry cleaning once a month doesn’t usually send too many red flags up, but if you’re on the road all day, every day you need to make sure you’re covered by a policy that’s going to do its best to keep you safe out on the highways.

Commercial policies are designed specifically for businesses and offer not only a convenient paid claims service for drivers out on company business but also higher liability limits, which is good news when you’ve got a flatbed full of lumber. And they’re almost always more cost effective at this higher level of coverage than just about anything else on the market, meaning your car insurance rates are going to be considerably lower than they would be if you’d simply tried to cover your car under a regular car insurance policy.

Not to mention a full fledged commercial car insurance policy is going to cover your employees if and when they have to take a company vehicle out on the job, saving you from the inevitable employee that decides to re-enact “Thelma and Louise” during their lunch hour.

Who Needs Commercial Car Insurance?

The people who need commercial car insurance include (but are not limited to):

* Catering* Newspaper Deliver* Door-to-Door Sales or Consulting* Landscaping/Snowplowing* Day Care* Real Estate

In other words, if you’re going to be spending even part of your day out on the roads you’re going to need a commercial car insurance policy standing by keeping your car safe. Remember, a commercial policy isn’t just something as nice to have (although it is). It’s a necessity for any business whose profit and loss sheets have a healthy sense of self preservation.

As a small business you’ve got enough expenses. Do you really want to add to them because you didn’t pick up the right kind of car insurance?

Michael McDonough is a National Account Representative for For more information on purchasing a commercial car insurance policy for your small business, visit them on the web at


Role of Broker in Car Insurance Policy

February 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by alien

You need to undergo a long process before buying an insurance policy for your automobiles; you have to stand in queue for long time outside every car insurance office, to know the feature covered by every company. Now a days you can directly visit insurance brokers who are the representative of different insurance companies to know about the coverage’s of different car insurance policies. So you get the opportunity of acquiring car insurance quotes of different insurance companies in the same place. The insurance brokers are actually the intermediates between the person who is willing to buy the insurance policy and the company providing insurance.

The broker must have the complete knowledge about the car insurance market so that he can guide the buyers in the best possible way. Also depending on your demands and your affordability the broker will choose you the best one available in the market. It will overcome the customer’s problem of confusion during comparison of car insurance policies. This technique helps in saving time and also the energy spend on moving from one place to another for better car insurance policy. We can get the policy in the best possible price concerning car insurance brokers.

Benefit of buying insurance policy through brokers is that you get the best policy according to your needs on best possible prices; also they provide you the rates that are not available for genuine people. You can also bargain with them and can provide a special discount to some extents. You can directly concern your car insurance broker at the time of filing claim. The similar role is also played by comparing sites which help you in comparing different policies and finding you the best one out of them. With the introduction of car insurance comparing sites the role of brokers is thinning every day.

Actually the comparison sites are also owned by brokers only. These sites not only compare the prices of car insurance policies but also of different items or holiday packages etc. This is good way for making those customers who are never interested in moving out of their houses. You can get detailed information about each car insurance policy just sitting at home. Comparison sites provide several options before you like brokers but it also have the disadvantage that at the time of claim only insurance brokers is involved may be for car, home, life etc.

Get answer to all of your auto insurance questions and obtain free car insurance quotes online.


Classic Car Insurance Policy for Your Car

February 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by alien

If you have a car that is fifteen or sixteen years old then you will be unrestricted to cover it using the classic car insurance policy. There were many restriction imposed when you go for car insurance in past also with only limited features provided by it. There were insurance brokers who were approached when you wish to buy an insurance policy for your vehicle. The insurance companies and the insurance brokers both were exacting about the model, type etc of your car. There insurance quotes available online whenever you wish to buy an insurance policy you can go through the features provided by different companies on the internet.

Many of the most famous insurance companies are now available online, which saves your time as you do not need to visit the insurance broker’s office. The classic policy is now available online and also on cheap rates. New and new companies are entering every day in this field with new features and new options. As the competition is increasing companies are coming up with new ideas to attract people on cheapest possible prizes. You can choose the best of it on the cheap prizes.

All the classical policies available are provided by different companies so the terms and the coverage’s are also different. You can select the correct coverage by going through all these available policies. There are some restrictions that are imposed on driving your car if you have applied for the classic car insurance policy. Some of the policies limit your mileage which is number of miles covered per year. You can not exceed the mileage of your car if you want all the benefits of your insurance policy. You must go through all the quotes of the policy before purchasing it so that you may not be abandoned at the time of claim.

If you think you have to buy a classic car insurance policy then before applying go through all the options as there are many insurance policies that are providing insurance cover at cheaper rates for women, old people. Also person below twenty five year of age can not take the benefits of insurance but with time certain companies are also providing insurance for these people. Many companies are providing the insurance covers also for the people above twenty. The rates of insurance policy also vary with the price and model of cars. Cheap insurance is available for cars which are not very costly.

Get answer to all of your auto insurance questions and obtain free car insurance quotes online.


Measures To Achieve Cheap Car Insurance Policy

January 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by alien

If you are looking for a cheap car insurance policy, there are certain methods by which you can achieve it. You just need to be aware of the certain things if you want to decrease the price of your car insurance policy. The rate of your car insurance will automatically reduced if you show that your car has very low possibility of damage. At the time of purchasing a policy make sure that your insurance company considers your car with low risk possibilities. Cheap insurance can be easily available if you are prepared to take some acts.

If you have installed a safety device in your car like a theft device then it will reduce the policy price as the probability of car being stolen also reduces. If your car insurance is for long time then the premium you have to pay after every regular time interval will be reduced. There will be a difference in the insurance rate of a year and rates for half year. If the rate of premium is increased for half year plan then it will not affect the whole year plan. If you have another safety device that saves you at the time of accident then it can also reduce the rate of insurance policy.

If you want to purchase the insurance policy for many cars then you can get a collective policy for all of them which will reduce the price of the insurance policy. You can insurance all the cars used by your family members all together. If you are buying different insurance policies like health, life etc from the same insurance companies will reduce the rate of policy. There are also some more plans available that will reduce the rate of insurance that you can get on the internet or you can concern insurance brokers.

If you have many cars and you take out one of your car once in a blue moon then you go for the insurance policy which provides insurance cover under limited mileage. This will reduce the price of policy. If you are making payment by credit card rather than through internet using emails may also reduce your amount. If your credit rating is good then it will benefit you at this time so always try to keep it up. So if you want car insurance on cheap rates you can go for all the measures discussed above.

Get answer to all of your auto insurance questions and obtain free car insurance quotes online.


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