Making Sense Of Those Car Insurance Policies And Terms

April 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Joseph Kenny

When it comes time to get auto insurance for your car, you will be faced with a number of decisions about the various types of available insurance. Basically, there are six different parts of an insurance policy. Some of them are mandatory when you purchase car insurance, and some may be optional. Here is a brief explanation of the different types.

Collision Insurance

This is the part that allows your car to be paid for when you get in an accident. If you were to hit another vehicle, have another vehicle hit your car, or you hit another object (such as a tree), then the damage to your vehicle is covered. It also will cover your vehicle in the event of a rollover, too. There are some exceptions, such as stunts and racing, which will void your being covered during those events.

Comprehensive Insurance

This coverage will protect your car in those events that are not listed under Collision Insurance. This means that if your car were caught in a fire, flood, is vandalized, stolen, or damaged by falling objects, then it would be covered. For older cars, you probably should just drop this part of your policy.

Medical Payments

This part of your policy provides medical coverage for any bodily injuries to you or your passengers while you are driving. It also covers people who drive your car with your permission, or you and passengers when you are driving someone else’s car. Funerals are covered, too, in the event of any deaths that may occur. It may also be called Personal Injury Protection in some states.

Bodily Injury Liability

Whenever you get sued because of a bodily injury or a death, then this part of the policy covers you. There are a number of exceptions under this part of the policy as to who may not be covered and under what circumstances. It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with them – or the liability for a lawsuit may fall on your responsibility unnecessarily.

Property Damage Liability

Any property that becomes damaged as a result of your driving, or if your vehicle is driven by someone that you gave authorization to, it is covered under this part of the car insurance policy. This part is usually written together with the Bodily Injury Liability.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

This is for that other guy who did not bother to buy car insurance. With more than 25% of motorists being uninsured in some states, you definitely need this. It will also cover you in the event of a hit and run driver. It is not available in all states.

Each of these sections of your policy can be adjusted by you in order to lower your car insurance rates if necessary. Ask your insurance agent what the recommended limits (legal) amounts are, and go from there upwards. You should seek to have these minimums – and more, if possible. You can also reduce your insurance costs by raising your deductible amount to 0 or ,000.

Joe Kenny writes for the Nations Finance, offering views on car insurance for UK residents, visit now to read how to No claims discount – what is it?Visit today: Car insurance quotes from


Discussing About Car Insurance Policies

April 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Franchis Adam

For any person who owns a car knows very well that purchasing a car is a very simple task but the difficulty comes when it comes to maintain the car and make car insurance payments. As there is a severe recession times these days, everybody is searching for good cost-effective solutions so that their overall expenses can be minimized. They are doing it so that their daily requirements can be maintained as well. A car is one of the basic needs for almost everybody. Most of the times, people are not familiar with certain knowledgeable facts about different car insurance policies that can actually help them to conserve their money. They just do not have any notion what a good car insurance policy can do to help them manage their finances.

What people mistakenly do is that they purchase the very first car insurance policy being presented before them. This harms you but benefits the car dealerships as they get a good sum of money as commissions on making you buy their car insurance policy. It is not good to trust your local agent when it comes to buy a good car insurance policy because he may be interested in making his money. So, it is advised that you can out and interrogate about this matter with two or more than two agents. Also, you must go online and visit different sites to know more about the price rates on different policies and compare each one of them. This will really benefit you.

If anybody wants to have good money saving car insurance policy, please go through certain options given below that may help you.

* Yearly comprehensive car insurance – This is the most common car insurance policy, which is preferred by most of the people. It involves making payments on yearly basis. In this the amount to be paid can be quite large, but is good as it gives maximum coverage. But, you must know that there are certain restrictions and limitations intact with it. * Monthly car insurance – This one is gaining lots of fame these days and is brand new too. This one is suitable for the people with different vehicles who keep visiting various towns and cities. It can be valid from a day to thirty days.* Pay-as-you-go – In this one, you can make payments for the distance traveled and the time involved while you were traveling.

Get answer to all of your auto insurance questions and obtain free insurance quotes online.


Young Adults On Their Parents Car Insurance Policies

March 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Danny Aaron

It is a widely known statistic that a lot of young people under the age of 25 are listed as secondary drivers on their parents’ car insurance policies. As the new statistics have come together, it has been noticed that this age bracket has risen, and now adults up to the age of 31 are being listed on their parents’ car insurance policies as secondary drivers.

Because these young adults are listed as a second driver on their parents’ insurance policies, they are saving a lot of money in the running cost of having a car. With the financial downturn in many countries in the world, young adults are finding any way possible to cut costs. They are now moving back in with their parents, and trying to merge their car insurance policies. Car insurance can be a very expensive monthly bill, especially for drivers under the age of 25, as they fall into a higher risk bracket. Because car insurance is legally obligated in a lot of countries, people cannot afford to be without it. Unfortunately, sometimes they are financially unable to have it on their own.

There is, however, a line that cannot be crossed with regards to this. There is no problem with someone putting themselves down as a secondary driver on another person’s insurance policy, so long as they only drive the car occasionally. The problem comes when parents put their children down as secondary drivers on their policy, when they are in fact the main driver of that vehicle. Research shows that the numbers of people who do this are increasing dramatically. In order to save on the cost of insurance, young adults are putting themselves on their parents’ car insurance policies as secondary drivers, when they are in fact the sole driver of the vehicle.

This is seen as insurance fraud. If one of these young drivers is in an accident, and the insurance investigators find out that they are actually a primary driver on a vehicle they were listed as a secondary driver for, they will not pay out. Even worse, these drivers could be charged for fraud! It goes so far that the young driver will purchase their own vehicle, and register it in their own name, yet they will put the insurance for the car in their parent’s name, as if they are the main driver of the vehicle.

In order to avoid the repercussions of this kind of car insurance fraud, it is highly recommended that young adults take out their own insurance policies. Even if this is not financially viable, it must be done! It is pointless for parents to put their children on their insurance policies, and pay that money every month, when the insurance company will not pay out when they find out about the fraud being committed. In desperate financial times, young adults can even take out third party insurance, which is one of the cheapest options available. This cover will pay out for the damages to the other vehicle the driver hits. It may not cover the actual vehicle being driven, but it is better than nothing. Especially if the young adult drives into a luxury vehicle!

For more information on the best car insurance in South Africa visit


All about Car Insurance Policies and Insurance Rate Comparisons

March 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Jessica Thomson

Having car insurance policies is essential because it covers the risk on an automobile. Car insurance offers financial security for any damage to the car caused by a vehicle.It provides protection from the following:

It protects you from purchasing a new car if in case someone stoles your old carIt covers the cost of repairing the car if damaged in an accidentCost of lost wages and medical expenses related to the use, ownership and maintenance of an automobileMedical expenses not covered by PIP (personal injury protection)

In several countries, it is mandatory for the driver to have car insurance when driving on the public roads. Liability coverage is an important aspect of insurance policy. However, liability coverage is applicable only when the insurance holder drives his own car.

In many countries, prices of a href=”” car insurance /a depend on various risk factors such as:

The usage of the car (calculated annual distance driven)Characteristics of carCredit ratingCoverage selected (deductible, limit, covered perils)Age and sex of the driverDriving history

Sometimes, these insurance plans also have flat rate, irrespective of the car usage. Other ways of fixing premium prices includes odometer-based systems, OBDII-based systems, reasonable estimation, GPS-based systems and many more.

Keep the following main aspects in mind while buying car insurance policies:

Policy limit per personLiabilities such as property damage liability, bodily injury liability etc.CoveragePolicy limits per person

While selecting an insurance company, look for the following:

Payment practice of the insurance companyAny complaints registered with the state insurance commissionerOther features like denial of arbitration right during UIM claims and denial of medical expenses.

Car insurance rates comparison

Car insurance rates vary from company to company even for the same insurance policy. When buying insurance for your car, you can save money by comparing the rates of different companies. You can do this by surfing the internet or by visiting different insurance companies.

Compare insurance rates easily on the internet

One of the easiest and the fastest way to compare different insurance rates is to visit an insurance rate comparison website. Here you can get insurance rate of several A grade insurance companies.

At an insurance rate comparison website, you have to register your driving and vehicle information on a form. After entering this information, a list of insurance rates from several companies will appear before you. Thereafter, you can compare these rates and select the one that suits you.

Selecting a Company

Once you have insurance rates, the next step is to select an insurance company. At times, you may doubt whether insurance comparison rates available on the internet are accurate or not. However, these quotes are accurate.

Insurance company websites only offers rates from A- grade insurance companies. To check the company’s reliability you can do the following:

Visit the company’s website and check if it is helpful and informativeCheck the website of the Department of Insurance to know about the complaints that customers have filed against the company

These extra measures not only helps you in selecting the right insurance company but also helps in getting cheap car insurance rates.

For more insights and further information about car insurance for young drivers visit our site


Understanding Car Insurance Policies

March 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Justin Hopley

Today, a lot of car owners are involve on vehicular accident. This is the very reason why more and morepeople wanted to acquire car insurance policies for their cars. This is to ensure the safety and protectionfor their cars against damages and liabilities that will occur any time of any day. Our car is a valued assetto us on which we acquired through our hard earned money. Once it encounters accident, there is agreat possibility that it will be damaged and needs to be repaired. When this happens, the car ownerwould find it hard to pay for the repair cost especially if the cost is way too expensive. This is where carinsurance policies help. They can actually lift or lower the burden of the car owner.

However, this service doesn’t come for free. They will always cost you money in which you can chooseto pay quarterly, half a year or annually. Paying for your car insurance is a must, a necessity for you butyou can have cheap car insurance that will not feel like you are carrying the burden of paying high costmonthly premium. After all, you are paying to save more money and not to pay more.

When looking for car insurance policies, you might sometime find yourself overwhelmed with manychoices because you will always be face with a lot options that you can choose from. Though it isimportant to keep the payment at the most minimum cost, you should also make sure that you and yourcar is adequately protected. Money might be important to you but your safety and your car as well isfar more important. What if you meet accident and unfortunately, your car is badly damage then youclaimed your car insurance. Surprisingly, the insurance company wouldn’t give you the lump sum ofmoney to you because there are few things on the policy that aren’t met? You know you can’t contestthat is why understanding the policy is important.

There are certain ways on which you can find cheap car insurance policies. One great way is increasingyour deductibles. This means that you have to pay higher premiums. Higher premiums always lead tolower cost for the policy. Also, when you have a good driving record, you can also avail cheaper policy.After all, the insurance company always gives lower rates to car owner who are not accident prone.

The insurance company will also be happy to sell their policy for you in a much lower price the moment youimpose safety precautions on your car like the tool for anti theft. This will always mean that your carhave lesser possibility to be stolen. Car insurance policies will always help people in terms of financialaspect. You just have to clarify what does the insurance firm covers and up to what extent. You have togo to every detail as this will help you understand your right and the policy as well.

If you are looking for detailed information on all types of automotive insurance, including all Types of Auto’s you should check out Honest Car Insurance or if you are looking for ways to help with your Car insurance you can read more at Understanding Car Insurance Policies


Car insurance policies and their coverage

March 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Jordan Chase

In modern times, there are lots of cars on the streets. More and more people feel that cars are not only luxury but also very important possession for all of us. Cars make our lives easier and because of that they are necessity for most people. If you have your own vehicle you will also need to insure it. There are a lot of different car insurance options available on the market. If you want to choose the most appropriate car insurance for you there will be a lot of factors that need to be considered.

Depending on your personal needs there are plenty of insurance options and coverage that are available. Here are some of the most common types of insurance policies:

As we all know car insurance is compulsory in most of the countries. Liability is the type of insurance that is required. If you get into a car accident and it is your fault, your car insurance policy will cover the expenses for any damage made to you or your vehicle as well as the damage made to other parties. The coverage also includes expenses for any damage made to buildings or other party’s property in case an accident happens. It is of great importance to know that most of the countries have obligatory minimum of the car insurance policy coverage. In case the coverage of your insurance policy is smaller, there is possibility to receive insufficient amount of money for repairing your own car. Here Compulsory car insurance takes place. This insurance policy covers the whole cost of your vehicle in case it is totaled. This insurance is suitable for people who own relatively new and expensive cars.

Other type of insurance that may be useful for you is the Comprehensive. The coverage of comprehensive insurance policy includes any damage made to your vehicle from weather conditions, animals, thieves or just everything that may come out. It is useful to have Comprehensive insurance for your vehicle but because of its relatively high price may not be worthwhile for older and less expensive cars.

Because of the high prices for medical bills you may need to pay in case of a car crash, you can protect you personal assets by making Personal Injury Protection. This type of insurance covers all the expenses for medical bills for you and your passengers no matter whose fault the accident is.

If you have your own vehicle but you can’t afford to insure it there are several things you can do to reduce the cost of your car insurance:Keep clean your driving license. Most of the insurance companies make some discounts for drivers with clean driving license.Other thing you can do to reduce the cost of your insurance is to insure your vehicle on behalf of a female member of your family which has a driving license. Because of the fact that most of the women drive more carefully and slowly than men, they get some benefits in their car insurances.

To see what the benefits and disadvantages of getting a car insurance online are, click here. Visit this web page for some of the biggest facts and myths about car insurances.

I am a writer and the thing I enjoy doing the most is writing different hopefully helpful articles on interesting topics.


Benefits of No License Car Insurance Policies

February 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Charles Babbage

Insurance provider and insurance policy in an affordable price. No license car insurance policies offer a host of benefits to non-driving license holders, contrary to popular belief.No license car insurance policies come with myriad benefits and can be bought easily even if you don’t have a valid driving license. There is a wrong idea among many people that unless you have a driving license, you can’t buy a “no license insurance policy” or even you may be charged higher insurance rates. The fact is that some companies issue these policies to keep vehicles insured. All you need to get a no license car insurance is for you to produce your social security ID card or an international driving license. This policy will also pay medical bills and rehabilitation costs in cases of injury to self or third parties and even cover your own property or third party property in case your vehicle has caused damaged to either. Many optional coverage is available depending on the kind that you are looking for. This insurance policy is also required to prevent fines from being imposed on you should you be stopped for moving violations. This could also result in suspension of the vehicle’s registration and even its impoundment. While shopping for no license car insurance, first look for an insurance company who won’t charge you extra. Take quotes from a number of insurance company and then decide on the one that offers the maximum coverage at minimum premium. This type of insurance is also required to get the vehicle registered in some states. The automobile needs to be insured in case some day you may want to go for a driver’s license and having the policy will ensure immediate driving for you without having to go for new registration and no proof will be required to be submitted to the state of the coverage on the car before you start driving. This insurance also gives the policy holder the liberty of loaning his car to family and friends and they too, enjoy coverage as long as the owner’s valid permission has been obtained. How then do you go about buying such an insurance policy and what are the things that need to be looked into? First look at the insurance premium rates being offered by the various insurance companies and then decide on who provides the maximum coverage at minimum cost. You could save hundreds on this.

Target at least three different insurers and spell out your coverage wants and limits clearly. You could also refer to the Rate Comparison Guide published by the Insurance Department to get a feel of the top 20 companies, which is based on written down premium volume state wise when it comes to selecting the appropriate no license car insurance. Often lucrative discounts are offered on no license car insurance on grounds of safe driving, multiple policy holding drivers, students with good academic records and senior citizens. Keep a look out for these to save more. Don’t let the opportunity pass. Tort Selection is also important and one can select either full or limited tort coverage. This gives you the right to go to court for out-of-pocket medical expenses as also non-monetary damages like mental trauma caused by an accident.

Insurance provider and insurance policy in an affordable price.No license car insurance policies offer a host of benefits to non-driving license holders, contrary to popular belief.


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