Getting a Low Cost Life Insurance

July 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Low Cost Health, Life etc

Article by Stan Ward

The recent economic crisis has caused a lot of people to lose their jobs and their life savings. While it is important to cut down on your expenses during an economic recession, there are some things that people cannot do without. One of these things is life insurance.

Getting yourself insured is one of the best assurances your family can get. The financial crisis has been hard for a lot of people, and some of them have decided to do away with life cover. In the event of their death, their families will acquire their existing debts, and in effect end up in a financial slum. There are many options available to getting a low cost life cover.

Getting a term life insurance policy is one option, as they are a lot cheaper than whole life policies. This is a type of low cost life cover, and is ideal for those who cannot afford cash-value policies. When purchasing this type of insurance, you have to choose the period of coverage. You can choose from 5 years up to 30 years. Some insurance companies even offer an annual renewable term, where the coverage is only valid for a year. If you are young and healthy, you may want to opt for longer periods of coverage.

Purchasing a low cost life policy is simple enough, however, there are some complexities and loop holes you have to fill in before you decide to take this kind of insurance. The death benefit may not be the same for the entire term of your insurance policy; this depends on whether you choose decreasing, level, or increasing life cover.

There are, however, some low cost insurance plans that are renewable and convertible. Once your insurance expires, you can renew with different payment terms and different polices. You can also choose to convert your existing life insurance cover. For example, if you originally chose a 10 year low cost insurance policy with the same death benefit throughout the term, and you decide you want to convert to a different life insurance policy at the end of the term, you can do so without taking another medical exam, but you have to choose a level term convertible life policy.

Low cost life insurance policies do not build cash value nor do they offer the tax benefits that the universal or whole life insurance offers, but is an ideal option for those who want to get life insurance but cannot afford higher premiums. This type of insurance may also be ideal for you if you are looking for a basic and straightforward low cost life cover plan to protect your beneficiaries.

When choosing a life cover plan, make sure to talk to a reputable agent. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and make sure you have everything covered so that you fully understand what you are getting yourself into. Everyone needs life cover, especially those who have families. If you want to protect your beneficiaries without having to spend so much, then a low cost life insurance plan may very well be the best option for you.

Its never too early or too late to increase your life cover and more valuable information about the differing types of life insurance can be found at Term Life Insurance.


An Overview About Low Cost Term Life Insurance

July 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Low Cost Health, Life etc

Article by David Livingston

It is the fact that all the individuals of the welfare of his beloved family. Most of our achievements are offered to our family. Like that the low cost term insurance is the other main achievement. You just imagine the great benefits that this achievement will bring to your family in case you, the insurer, will be no more to provide for them. It is a truth that time will come and we will all cease to exist for whatever reasons. Hence we have to prepare for the unavoidable occurrence

In the country there are lots of low cost term insurance available. The insurer will be facing only one problem and that is to select the right kind of insurance. The insurer must be knowledgeable in selecting the right one. He must also check for the premium amount and see to it that whether he can pay them for a longer period of time.

If he wishes to apply for a insurance, he may try searching for different types in the internet. Numerous types of insurances with their respective premium rates can be seen in the internet. A wise insurer must search which type is more suitable for his monthly earnings. He has to be aware of the amount that he will add to his regular monthly expenses. Even if he chooses a low costing insurance, he has to be responsible in paying for its regular charges.

If a certain insurer fails to settle the accounts on the specified pay date, he may be charged with penalty. The company has already computed the amount of the penalty based on the type of insurance of the insurer. Paying on the specified date of payment is encouraged by the companies even at the start of the term. It can be avoided if only every insurer follows the rules and regulations of the insurance companies.

How can an insurer obtain a low cost term insurance?1. An applicant has to have a very good physical condition to be able to pass the medical requirements.2. Young individuals are offered lower costs because they a have a higher chance of surviving the term.3. Any individual who is not involved in any dangerous acts or works can achieve cheaper life insurances.4. Drivers who have very good and proven track records can avail of a low cost life insurance.5. Cigar smokers who have quit smoking for over a year can qualify for term life insurance which offers low rates.

When you are planning to buy the life insurance, certain strict application procedures are to be followed. The insurer needs to satisfy the company that the insurer is in good health and he will be in a position to continue with the application. Just in case if the insurer did not pass the medical requirement, in that state he will not be able to get his desired type of life insurance. For the particular insurer there is another option. Since he was not fit to qualify for the medical examination, he will be offered a different type of life insurance.

The higher compensating type is the life insurance no exam. In this insurance the insurer is expected to pay the higher premium rates for the whole duration of the term. The benefits of the life insurance no exam is just the same as the term life, in both the insurance if the insurer dies within the coverage period, his beneficiary will accept a certain amount of cash.

The cash benefit, primarily, may be used to pay the household expenses that the insurer cannot settle anymore. Some of the cash may be used to settle school accounts. Some may be used to pay home mortgages. The beneficiary can only claim the cash benefit if she can present a proof that the insurer does no longer exist.

If the insurer survives the term, there will be no more claim of cash by the beneficiary. The company offers the insurer a renewal of the life insurance. Normally, the renewed life insurance is of a better one with higher compensation. If the insurer accepts the offer, he will be renewed with that life insurance without taking any medical examination or submitting medical proof. On the other hand, he still has the option to turn down the offer and choose his desired life insurance.

Article by David Livingston of, a website with the best low cost term life insurance and life insurance no exam information in the country.


Great Low Cost Life Insurance

July 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Low Cost Health, Life etc

Article by Jack

Need to have to reside your life with the comfort you deserve and live it for the fullest? Then you need to also be considering a protection program that allows you the freedom to do this. But Life insurance policies you’ll be able to find place have a tendency to arrive with large price tags, making them almost unreasonable and beyond your reach. However or even considered the prospect of low cost life insurance covers? Properly should you haven?t, allows us to show you just how one can get pleasure from the reassurance you look for without having forgoing the rewards or the caliber of the cover.

As per common practice a life insurance agent offers you with a quote depending on a quantity of factors. Whilst specific factors therein this sort of as gender, age and wellness are beyond your manage certain others are nicely within your scope of manage. Fundamental essentials aspects you might be able to play for your fullest advantages in securing a low cost life insurance. Yet another way of obtaining a low cost life insurance is to obtain a lot more insurance because following a particular level of coverage has been reached the premiums commence to decline. It’s possible to inquire from your agent and discover the time around which this occurs and strategy accordingly. And quite a few about this method is that you win nevertheless way your perception.

A severe illness or chance of developing a life threatening illness along with enhanced risks are all very likely to boost the cost of your include. But this is typically the case with regular life insurance companies. Nonetheless you can find organizations within the industry that specialize in particular risks and they tend to have a much better understanding with the exact scenario and most likely chance and offer a much better rate and thereby allow you to obtain a low cost life insurance cover. Poor habits these kinds of as smoking, drinking and unhealthy lifestyle all but guarantee to improve costs of safety covers. But in case you possibly could bring oneself to quit these vices and make genuine and changes and then sustain them you are going to most very likely be going by means of the possibility of significantly low cost life insurance covers.

Finally, read modest print. Always be fully aware of how drastically you are having to pay and what you genuinely are paying that for. Obtaining a low cost insurance might ultimately come down to how properly you comprehend the policy you might be receiving for yourself. Why pay for anything that you don?t really require but arrive as standards inside the package you are hunting. Speak to your agent about your concerns and seek to have unnecessary extra costs stricken off so that you can get pleasure from the advantage of becoming protected obtaining a low cost life insurance include. Take into account the above and you’ll discover that the choice of having a low cost life insurance isn’t as hard as it initially seemed.

Randall Flagg has been writing since 2001 about various topics. His latest project is about Wingback Chairs for Sale. Check out his website about Wingback Chair Slipcovers because he also writes about them too.


Apply For A Low Cost Life Insurance And Have A Wonderful and Secured Life

June 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Low Cost Health, Life etc

Article by David Livingston

When you are to get a low cost insurance it will surely be a financial assistance of a certain family in some unavoidable circumstances. This kind of phenomenon is quite natural. We have to keep ourself prepared for this moment. Select the right kind of insurance and apply for it. It will surely be a great benefit for our family in times of great need

When you are browse the internet you can find that there are many different types of low cost insurances are available. When you use the internet you can do it with great speed and high accuracy of results. It is also very comfortable and effortless in the process of search. Hence it can help you by saving a lot of time. In the process of searching for these types of insurances, then surely a prospective insurer is to encounter sites which will offer him free insurance quotes. He needs to make use of these services as these services will determine which type he falls in.

When you are to get the quotes it will also determine the insurer’s capability to pay the insurance charges. At the same time the insurer needs to pay attention to the duration of the term that he has to pay. He has to pay more care to all his monthly payments because this new expense will be an additional expense aside from his present household and personal expenses. Monthly income of a certain insurer must also be cross verified as all the insurers are mainly encouraged to settle all accounts on the specified pay date.

An insurer who fails to pay the monthly charges may be asked to pay for a penalty. This unfavorable expense can be avoided by paying the accounts on the date that was specified for him. It is very ironic for an insurer to look for a low cost life insurance but allows himself to pay for penalties. If the payments were never settled anymore, the insurer’s life insurance may be forfeited; but still he has an option for a reinstatement. The insurer will be subject to any consequences like paying for additional charges.

Here are some of the necessities in obtaining a low cost life insurance:1. Applicants should submit a medical proof or pass the medical requirements of an instant term life insurance which offers lower costs.2. Ideal types of insurers to acquire lower costs are younger individuals.3. Regular cigar smokers must have quit smoking for at least one year to avail of lower costing life insurances.4. People must not have dangerous type of work for they cannot qualify for a low costing insurance.5. Long time drivers should have a very good driving record to avail of a term life insurance.

One of the good example for a low cost insurance is the instant term insurance. It is so because they will offer a low premium rates that last until the end of the term. If the insurer dies within the coverage period then it will allow his beneficiary to receive a certain amount of cash which can be a financial assistance to the family with any means of financial support which is to be received from the permanent absence of the insurer who will be more likely to be the husband or the wife. Only when the beneficiary submits the proof that the insurer is really no more, he / she can avail the cash benefit.

For the insurer who lives and finishes the term, there will be no cash benefit for the beneficiary. Instead, there is an offer by the company to renew the life insurance without undergoing any medical examination by the insurer. The renewed life insurance is a better type like a whole life insurance. It also needs additional financial resources for this type has higher premium rates.

Applying for an instant term life insurance or any other low cost insurance is not very complicated. Obtaining some information will help any body to start an application. The most important part in the application is the approval. An applicant has to pass the medical requirement to continue with his application. If he does not pass the medical verification, his desired insurance will be out of reach.

For this kind of situation there is an alternative. In this case it will require a life insurance no exam. If you are a person with certain health problems and for those who do not wish to take any medical examinations then insurance no exam is exclusively recommended for them. When you are to use this type of insurance, lot of insurers are given the chance to acquire an insurance just like anybody else does.

Article by David Livingston of, a website with the best life insurance rates and life insurance no exam information in the country.


How to get low cost life insurance

June 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Low Cost Health, Life etc

Article by russelroyan

There is no insurance industry greater than the US insurance agencies in recent times. Their prompt service, customer satisfaction, varied policies and excellent service have rendered them as one of the best insurance service providers not only in the United States but also across the globe. One of the most common types of insurance that is most in demand across the US is the life insurance policy. Almost every US resident wants to get his or her life insured as the life insurance policy protects and secures the life of an individuals family even after his death monetarily, through the payment of premiums, this is one of the best gifts one can give his or her family for life. However not everyone can afford high value life insurance policies. For these people a number of low cost life insurance policies have been developed in the US. The life insurance quotes for these low cost life insurance policies meant for the common man are readily available with the US insurance agencies for free with their agents or on their respective websites.

Low cost life insurance policies are affordable by all Americans. Not everyone however may have the knowledge of these low cost life insurance policies. Not everyone may know how to avail these low cost life insurance quotes from the insurance agencies. However there is a solution for the same. With the advancement of the internet there are many US insurance websites which compile the low cost insurance quotes from various agencies and provide the same to the customers on the look out to purchase insurance policies. These websites gather low cost life insurance quotes from high rated insurance agencies in US and offers a comparison of the various low cost life insurance quotes available from American insurance agencies.

According to the low cost life insurance quotes, an insurance agency could give out life insurance policies at a lower rate when the policy applicant is under a serious illness, health situation age and financial situations are some of the factors that are taken into consideration by a low cost life insurance policy while granting the same. The easiest way to get hold of these low cost life insurance quotes is to find them online. One must compare the various low cost life insurance quotes available before taking a decision on the same. The insurance companies providing these cheap life insurance quotes online would taken in the details from the policy purchasers in easy to fill in life insurance quote request forms before providing them the low cost life insurance quotes for free according to their requirements. Low cost US life insurance policies would definitely have lower insurance rates which would be mentioned in their respective life insurance quotes. Before one proceeds to purchase a low cost insurance policy one must understand the actual volume of insurance required. Once one decides upon the insurance policy to take up all one has to do is fill in the life insurance quote request form and wait for the insurance company to revert back. Low life insurance policies are the best to opt for especially of you have certain health and financial issue for which you are unable to invest in a high premium life insurance investment. Apart from acquiring the low life insurance quotes from websites that provide these services of compiling these quotes from various websites so that you can compare all of them prior to taking your decision, you can also request for low life insurance quotes directly from the US insurance agencies or their agents once you have explained your situation to them.

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Low Cost Life Insurance

May 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Low Cost Health, Life etc

Article by Matthew Bourne

Finding low cost life insurance need not be a complex process. The life insurance market in the UK is extremely cost competitive, with a glut of cost orientated life insurance companies keeping the cost of life insurance at record low levels. Competition in low cost life insurance has increased further over the last few years, with low cost UK supermarkets like Tesco and ASDA now offering cut-price low cost life insurance. A £100,000 term life insurance policy for 25 years now has a low cost of around £5 – £6 per month for a young non-smoker with low susceptibility to health problems.

But, despite the greater accessibility of low cost life policies, the cost of life insurance premiums does vary. Here is a review of the major factors that influence the cost of life insurance policies: –

Low Insurance Age – The age at which a life insurance policy is taken out has a significant impact upon the low cost of the life insurance premiums paid. The younger you are when you start a life insurance policy then the better chance you have of obtaining a life insurance policy at low cost. This is because at a younger age you are viewed as being at a low risk of passing away than someone 30 or 40 years your senior. Life insurance premiums will therefore be at a low cost for young people, but not so low cost for older people.

Health – Life insurance companies will award low cost life insurance to people who have low health risks. To qualify for life insurance at low cost on health grounds you will need a low level of hereditary disease running in your family. If you suffer from a life threatening disease, such as cancer or heart disease, your life insurance cost will not be so low. Also, if asthma, high blood pressure or cholesterol problems exist then a low cost insurance policy could cost that little bit more.

Lifestyle – A low cost life policy is available to those with a low stress / low danger lifestyle. If you drink excessively or you are a smoker or practice extreme or dangerous sports / activities then a life insurance policy that is low cost could be out of your reach.

Insurer Cost – Finally, no matter what type of life insurance cover you have, be sure to check the cost of other life insurance policies regularly. The life insurance market is always changing, so you just might find a better low cost provider of low cost life insurance the next time you search the life insurance market for low cost insurance policies.

Matthew Bourne has been working in the loans, mortgage and life insurance industry for over 10yrs and is currently working for


Life Insurance – You Can Find The Best Low Cost Insurance For You

May 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Low Cost Health, Life etc

Article by Bryan Burbank

Finding the right Life Insurance Policy that suits you best does not have to be difficult. In fact it can be quite simple, just follow a few easy procedures and you can find exactly what you need.

Learn how to find: Discount Health Insurance

First you need to decide the amount you need to be covered for. If you do not purchase enough insurance then you can leave your family to face difficult times because they can not cover all of there liabilities. It is best to decide what your family needs and then choose accordingly. A policy that has a very high dollar amount may cost you too much in monthly fees.

Get some Advice about: Types of Insurance

It is best to find a good Life Insurance Broker to asses your family needs. First you need to decide on the type of insurance you want, if you are looking for a policy that is not an investment then most likely you will want term insurance because it is the cheapest insurance you can get. If you want insurance that is an investment then you need to choose endowment or whole life insurance. You need to decide how long you want the policy for and the premium will be decided by the terms of the coverage. This is very important because as you grow older your insurance premium will also grow. If you choose a policy for 15 years then when you renew it your premium may be much higher. If you want coverage all of your life it is best to take out a policy that covers you until you die.

Most important is to get quotes because different carriers have many premiums with many exclusions that are based on many different things. Check on riders that may be added to your policy that could cost you a great deal of money over the life of the policy.

When going through your policy make sure that it does not cover you for things that may be covered by other insurance policies because you may already be paying for such coverage. Before signing up for any life insurance make sure that you look at all the quotes and look at them carefully. Make sure you understand what the policy covers as well as the exclusions.

Life Insurance is something that we do not like to think about but it is the gift that keeps giving to our family after we are gone.

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Discount Insurance.
