Benefits of No License Car Insurance Policies

February 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Charles Babbage

Insurance provider and insurance policy in an affordable price. No license car insurance policies offer a host of benefits to non-driving license holders, contrary to popular belief.No license car insurance policies come with myriad benefits and can be bought easily even if you don’t have a valid driving license. There is a wrong idea among many people that unless you have a driving license, you can’t buy a “no license insurance policy” or even you may be charged higher insurance rates. The fact is that some companies issue these policies to keep vehicles insured. All you need to get a no license car insurance is for you to produce your social security ID card or an international driving license. This policy will also pay medical bills and rehabilitation costs in cases of injury to self or third parties and even cover your own property or third party property in case your vehicle has caused damaged to either. Many optional coverage is available depending on the kind that you are looking for. This insurance policy is also required to prevent fines from being imposed on you should you be stopped for moving violations. This could also result in suspension of the vehicle’s registration and even its impoundment. While shopping for no license car insurance, first look for an insurance company who won’t charge you extra. Take quotes from a number of insurance company and then decide on the one that offers the maximum coverage at minimum premium. This type of insurance is also required to get the vehicle registered in some states. The automobile needs to be insured in case some day you may want to go for a driver’s license and having the policy will ensure immediate driving for you without having to go for new registration and no proof will be required to be submitted to the state of the coverage on the car before you start driving. This insurance also gives the policy holder the liberty of loaning his car to family and friends and they too, enjoy coverage as long as the owner’s valid permission has been obtained. How then do you go about buying such an insurance policy and what are the things that need to be looked into? First look at the insurance premium rates being offered by the various insurance companies and then decide on who provides the maximum coverage at minimum cost. You could save hundreds on this.

Target at least three different insurers and spell out your coverage wants and limits clearly. You could also refer to the Rate Comparison Guide published by the Insurance Department to get a feel of the top 20 companies, which is based on written down premium volume state wise when it comes to selecting the appropriate no license car insurance. Often lucrative discounts are offered on no license car insurance on grounds of safe driving, multiple policy holding drivers, students with good academic records and senior citizens. Keep a look out for these to save more. Don’t let the opportunity pass. Tort Selection is also important and one can select either full or limited tort coverage. This gives you the right to go to court for out-of-pocket medical expenses as also non-monetary damages like mental trauma caused by an accident.

Insurance provider and insurance policy in an affordable price.No license car insurance policies offer a host of benefits to non-driving license holders, contrary to popular belief.
