The truth about low cost insurance

August 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Low Cost Health, Life etc

Article by Jason Hulott

Every single insurance provider out there, in some way, shape or form, advertises low cost insurance. Whether you are looking for home insurance, car insurance, life insurance, health insurance or any other form of insurance for that matter, you will find a number of insurers that try to lure you in by offering amazing discounts and offers. However, there is more to low cost insurance that meets the eye because very few insurers are as scrupulous at they advertise themselves to be!

Low cost insurance can be viewed as an advertising ploy because all of the amazing discounts and offers are designed to bring in new business. Some of the offers only apply under certain conditions, if you have a no claims bonus for example. However, the conditions of an offer may not be immediately apparent because they are often included in the small print. It is therefore essential to read the terms and conditions of any low cost insurance offers in advance.

That is not to say that low cost insurance is not available out there. As the cost of living has dramatically risen in the last few years, more and more insurance companies are coming to terms with that fact that very few of the consumers that would be interested in insurance products would actually take them if the premiums were expensive. Financial and insurance products must be affordable if the general public is to accept them. Therefore low cost insurance products are available, if only to fill demand. In order to find them, however, it is necessary to look around.

In truth, low cost insurance can be a godsend for those people that cannot afford a more expensive product, especially compulsory insurance products such as car and motorbike insurance. Low cost insurance can really give people with little disposable income the same peace of mind as other insurance products would. Just knowing it is there is often enough for some people!

Another thing to be aware of when searching for low cost insurance is the fact that the level of cover varies from company to company. Some low cost insurance product only feature rudimentary cover rather than the comprehensive cover that their more expensive counterparts offer. There are many that do offer a good level of cover at a reasonably low price though so the above point should not put you off. The key is to compare the policies point by point to make sure that they are offering value for money as well as catering for all of your needs. The exclusions and terms and conditions will reveal everything you need to know about any policy, including the low cost options out there!

Although low cost insurance does have its positives and negatives, there are more and more companies out there that are attempting to provide for people wanting to keep costs down and wanting value for money. All of those companies can be located on an Internet site that will search for the best deals to suit your needs and compare them to give you an idea of what is best for you. It is most definitely worth looking into and taking time to mull over, whether you do eventually choose low cost insurance or not. There is definitely quality available in the market, you just have to find it!

Jason Hulott is Business Development Director of Protection Insurance, an internet based insurance business dedicated to getting consumers the best rates and the best products. Visit us for Low Cost Insurance.


Short term car insurance policies

August 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

The car insurance is the most important part that you should consider after buying a car. A car with no insurance policy attached to it can bring many problems. Thus it is must that you get an insurance policy for your vehicle.

The rate of the car insurance policy depends on the premium that you have to pay after buying the car insurance policy. Now days, when the prices of every commodity have increased, the rates of the premium of the car insurance policy ahs also increased to a great extent. This is the reason that people are looking for the short term insurance policies so that they can save money.

There are different ways by which you can save money. The first method is to have a temporary cover in your car insurance policy. This will insure your car for a short term and you can save some bucks. Earlier this policy was not so popular ands was sued by a person who is using a car for a particular time period only. But now days this policy has become quite famous. The internet can help you in knowing about this policy. Many car insurance companies offer this policy with different demands. You can always check this on the company’s website and compare the various insurance quotes.

With the help of the short term car insurance policy you can the insurance of 1 day to a month. When you compare the cost of the short term insurance policy with the other insurance policy then you can find it costlier to day to day basis but it is quite cheaper when compared to the annual bases.

The short term insurance policy can be changed to annual policies with the guidance from the company. You can search for these policies while sitting at your home only. The websites of the companies have all the information about the various insurance policies. You have to give the budget and the coverage details that you want from your insurance policy. You can get discounts on your car insurance policy if you have a good driving record.

However if you have accidents associated with you in the past, the insurance policy will come at a high cost. Also the place where you live in decides the arte of the premium of your car insurance policy. There are various other factors also like the sex of the driver tat decides on the arte of the premium of the car insurance policy.

Get answer to all of your auto insurance questions and obtain free car insurance quotes online..

Get Suitable Coverage through Affordable Car Insurance

July 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Article by Henry Bell

Car insurance is no longer an insurance policy for the wealthy few. With many insurance companies in the market that provide car insurance policies, the rate of premium of car insurance policies has also come down to a great extent. So, affordable and cheap car insurance policy is no longer a myth but a reality.

Though a thorough research is the key activity to look out for an affordable car insurance policy, taking into consideration certain things might also affect the rate of premium of car insurance policies; and thus assist you in availing an affordable car insurance policy.

It is advisable for you to buy car insurance policy during a soft market, also called the buyer’s market rather than buying it from the hard market, also called the seller’s market. It is because; during a soft market the rates of car insurances policies are generally lower. This way you can avail an affordable car insurance policy.

You can also buy your car insurance policy from the insurance company that is providing you with home insurance policy. This way you can get access to discounts on your car insurance policy and thus get an affordable car insurance policy.

Again, if you have a good driving record you can consider paying higher deductibles. This way you can lower the rate of premium of car insurance policies and thus avail an affordable car insurance policy. Apart from that if you insure more than one vehicle, you can avail an affordable car insurance policy.

Apart from that certain other factors also affect your car insurance policy like; the type of vehicle that you drive, years of driving experience, your credit history, occupation and marital status. Though some of these factors cannot be changed, yet some can be changed. If you take care of all these factors and you can visibly lower the rate of premium of your car insurance policy.

Other than this, a thorough and an extensive study of all the companies that provide affordable car insurance policies have to be undertaken. All this will require some time and patience. But with internet facilities, you can select and locate an affordable car insurance policy within no time. All you have to do is it browse through the pages of the companies that provide with car insurance policies. When you are satisfied that a particular policy is suiting your needs, buy that policy at that instant.

Henry Bell is an author who can certainly identify the kind of insurance that you will need. He is proficient in the insurance world; he is an MBA(finance) from University of Oxford. endeavors to find the best possible deals for its customers. To find Car insurance policy, Home owner insurance, Van insurance, Motorcycle insurance, Holiday insurance visit


Affordable Car Insurance Quote

July 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Some car owners are green about insurance benefits until they are involved in accidents. The moment they come face to face with head on collision is when they seek Affordable Car Insurance Quote. Whatever it is, affordable insurance is the best option as tragedies usually know at bad times when you can ill afford expensive insurance.

Now what would a car owner say about American roads that blare accidents every six seconds? Arguably nothing but they would absolutely preach the gospel of Affordable Car Insurance Quote. Vehicle injury is the second thought and damage of public property is another. And the pedestrians that you hit can also frustrate you big time.

Those considered, warning signals stops with car owners who lack proper insurance. Your can have insurance, true, but at how much. Affordable insurance does not mean cheap. When you settle for a pocket friendly insurance quote, you are giving the best coverage to your car.

Although shopping for auto insurance quotes are a challenge to many car owners. But most assuredly, it’s simple online and you’ll never get stuck. Insurance specialists have found a home online. Here they target vehicle owners who are tired of paying more for insurance quotes they could get at much fairer rates. It may dawn on you that you are paying high insurance quotes only when it’s already a little too late. How do you lower that quote then? Let your fingers click on Affordable Car Insurance Quote to restore your car when it is damaged.

With an internet connection, you are able to get an insurance quote from which ever location. You also find manufacturers car safety records and their rates per year. This is not fixed as each car insurance quote is different.

You would not put your money on unnecessary insurance. Worse still, when your coverage is way too little, you can pay through your nose when damage occurs to your car. Whether it is liability insurance, collision insurance or comprehensive, it is better to find Affordable Car Insurance Quote. Affordable insurance gets you premium discounts you didn’t imagine.

Whether you are surfing from a city in Alabama or at a certain locality in Arizona, you can use the internet to access and review the quotes of different insurance companies. With a zip code or name of your city, you can rollover Affordable Car Insurance Quote in full swing, find classic information about insurance companies of high profile in few minutes and reduce your expenses on insurance.

Getting multiple car insurance quotes is no longer hard. The simple searches show the results of national and local insurance network. You can make applications for the right policy. These agents take it as their job by finding you the quotes you require. It can be quotes for a new car or that of a lower insurance quote on a car you use everyday. Sample many insurance quotes then compare. After all everyone wants Affordable Car Insurance Quote. Get your options right before settling for insurance quotes.

Amelie is an expert on Affordable Car Insurance Quotes..

Cheap Auto Insurance in California – How Do You Get It?

July 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Cheap Auto Insurance

Article by California Auto Insurance

Looking for auto insurance can be a frustrating process when you start to realize how much everything costs nowadays. The thought of cheap auto insurance in California may almost seem like an impossible dream, but it is possible if you know where to look for your auto insurance policies. You have to know where the deals are and how to get the discounts you deserve. Here are a few tips that may help you get this cheap car insurance so you can spend your money on more important things during the month. To get cheap auto insurance in California, you need to start by looking over quotes for the policies you need. If you can see multiple quotes from insurance providers online, you can compare them all side by side and find out where you could get the best rates. Every person is a little different, and every insurance company assesses people in a different way. Thus you never know where you might be able to find a good deal until you start looking for one. Get a few quotes and you could do just that. You might look at bundling a bunch of insurance policies together if you want to get cheap auto insurance in California. Insurance providers will usually reward you for bundling because you are providing them with extra business they would not have had otherwise. Either put multiple cars on one insurance plan to get a multi-car discount, or add other forms of insurance into the mix to get a multi-line discount. You could end up with one low monthly payment for all of your family’s insurance needs. That should be easy to remember to pay, and the reduced prices will give you extra money to spend or save in a month that you may not have expected. Try driving an eco friendly or inexpensive car if you really want cheap auto insurance in California. As long as you have a good idea about where you can secure a good rate from, you should see a big drop in costs by going down to a cheaper or more environmental car. Get quotes for your potential policies so you can know for sure if you are able to save money or not. Then all you have to do is pick a place and a policy that will be ideal for you. See where your options lie today.

Check California Auto Insurance for the lowest prices from the nation’s top carriers.


Necessity Of Having A Car Insurance Policy

June 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies


We all know that it is illegal to drive without a driver’s license; likewise it is also illegal to drive without a car insurance Policy. In most of the countries the government has made it a law that every individual who owns a car should have car insurance policy. The auto insurance policy is a life saver for those owning a vehicle. The insurance policy acts as a protective shield for you when you are driving. It also protects the lives of the other people incase of any injury caused to them through your reckless driving. If you do not have an auto insurance policy, there are chances of you being charged with heavy fines, your drivers’ license might get suspended and you can also go behind bars. Hence it is absolutely necessary to have insurance policy for your car.

Car insurance policy pay for collision repairs as long as you are paying your deductibles which are part of your insurance policy. Most of the auto insurance policies do not cover all the expenses. Accidents are unpredictable. In case of any severe accident caused by you, the deductibles which you are paying will cover the damage repairs. The person who has an insurance policy is required to pay a certain amount for the damage caused but it entirely depends upon the type of insurance policy one has opted for. In the event of a bad car crash, it is a liability for your insurance company to pay for the heavy cost of repairs too.

Car insurance policy also pays for your personal injuries. If you have a sudden mishap while driving your car and you are required to get hospitalized, the policy will cover all your medical bills. It will pay for your medical treatment as well as for those traveling in your car. Not to forget, the insurance coverage is liable to pay for the medical costs and vehicle repair of the people incase your car collided with their car.

It is considered to be a serious offence if you are driving your car without an insurance policy. Say, for example, you are driving your car without getting it insured and you suddenly hit another car; what are the consequences you might have to face? If the other driver is severely injured and is being hospitalized, you might have to deal with some serious legal issues which would not be welcoming for you. If the authorities find out that you do not have an insurance policy for your vehicle, then there are chances of you being dragged to the court. Besides, you will have to pay a heavy fine, followed by suspension of your drivers’ license and ultimately going behind the bars. They might even seize your car and ask for a heavy remuneration. Hence it is very much important to have a car insurance policy, not only for the sake of paying for the heavy expenses that might incur, but also for safeguarding yourself against such legal issues. In case you want to avoid such unwelcoming situations, it is advisable that you get your car insured, get your life insured.

Car insurance protects you against financial loss if you meet with an accident. So get your car insured now. One should go for an affordable car insurance which can easily find online. Online car insurance is hassle free and leaves you from the worries of paper work.


A Separate Classic Car Insurance Policy Is Essential

June 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Fredrick Michaels

Classic cars fall within a very broad category that includes any motor vehicle considered collectable. Market values are set by the demand to acquire the make, model, and year of a certain vehicle, and the value will steadily climb over time. Insurance is a very specialized market segment that is underwritten by less than five percent of all automobile insurance companies. When seeking to insure a classic car, consider the policy form, coverage and limitations, and the requirements for qualifying for insurance.

Insurance agents that participate in the hobby understand the nuances of insuring a vehicle with a set value. The policy form is very important when underwriting a classic car. The Agreed Amount, or Agreed Value, form must be used when the policy is purchased. The agent and the insured driver will actively agree on the amount the policy will pay in the event of theft or total loss in an accident. There is no “actual cash value” clause on the policy form that would allow the insurance company to pay less for the car. Agreed Value insurance policies grant peace of mind for the driver whose car is unique and irreplaceable. When the driver incurs loss, a comparable uses to the money paid by the insurance company.

Classic car insurance policies place some limitations on the level of use allowed for the car. Fewer than 2,500 miles per year are allowed to be driven on most policies, but some policies allow up to 5,000 miles per year. The classic car is driven occasionally for special events and is not considered an everyday use vehicle. When repairs to the car are required, the insurance policy covers the acquisition of original parts, and the repairs will be made in a specialty repair shop that might cost a great deal more than the average repair shop. The value of the car can be impacted directly by the parts used for repair. When original wheels or steering wheels are present on the car, the insurance policy can cover these very valuable features.

Drivers who wish to qualify for a classic car insurance policy must pass stringent underwriting criteria. Excellent driving records for all drivers are important, and young drivers are discouraged from driving the car. Special car care requirements are stated within the policy, including garage storage. Driver age is considered a mark of maturity, which plays a direct role into the premium set for the insurance policy. Most classic car policies require the driver to have another car in their name that is for everyday driving.

Research the few classic car insurance companies and look for an agent that will agree with your requirements for a separate policy. There are some agents that will try to convince you to place the classic car on your existing policy. If a claim must be filed, the value of the car will never be paid under a standard car insurance policy. Know the market value of the car, and be prepared with the agreed value prior to meeting with the agent. No one wants to make insurance claims, but if payment is requested you can rest assured that an Agreed Value insurance policy will pay to buy a comparable classic car.

Visit Classic Car Insurance for more information or visit our blog at


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