How to Know When Your Small Business is Ready For a Commercial Car Insurance Policy

February 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Anthony Peck

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are living in the era of the reemergence of the small business. Thanks to the power of the Internet small, independently owned companies are once again on the rise, and we’re seeing an absolute boom of small niche stores the likes of which haven’t been seen since the department store came to town! If you’re a small business owner, congratulations. You’re a part of a new era in history. Now what are you doing about your car insurance?

Most of us don’t think a whole lot about car insurance when we’re starting a small business. Sure, commercial trucking companies and rental cars need a commercial car insurance policy. That’s just a given. But what about the little guy? What about the private contractor or the Mary Kay sales professional? You might be surprised to find out small businesses like these need commercial car insurance coverage just as much as the next guy.

What’s the Difference Between a Commercial Car Insurance Policy and an Everyday, Ordinary, Run of the Mill Policy?

One of the questions insurance agents hear the most is, “What’s the difference between a commercial policy and a regular one?” The differences are subtle, so they’re a little tricky. First and foremost, a personal car insurance policy won’t cover accidents that take place while you’re on company business. Picking up the boss’s dry cleaning once a month doesn’t usually send too many red flags up, but if you’re on the road all day, every day you need to make sure you’re covered by a policy that’s going to do its best to keep you safe out on the highways.

Commercial policies are designed specifically for businesses and offer not only a convenient paid claims service for drivers out on company business but also higher liability limits, which is good news when you’ve got a flatbed full of lumber. And they’re almost always more cost effective at this higher level of coverage than just about anything else on the market, meaning your car insurance rates are going to be considerably lower than they would be if you’d simply tried to cover your car under a regular car insurance policy.

Not to mention a full fledged commercial car insurance policy is going to cover your employees if and when they have to take a company vehicle out on the job, saving you from the inevitable employee that decides to re-enact “Thelma and Louise” during their lunch hour.

Who Needs Commercial Car Insurance?

The people who need commercial car insurance include (but are not limited to):

* Catering* Newspaper Deliver* Door-to-Door Sales or Consulting* Landscaping/Snowplowing* Day Care* Real Estate

In other words, if you’re going to be spending even part of your day out on the roads you’re going to need a commercial car insurance policy standing by keeping your car safe. Remember, a commercial policy isn’t just something as nice to have (although it is). It’s a necessity for any business whose profit and loss sheets have a healthy sense of self preservation.

As a small business you’ve got enough expenses. Do you really want to add to them because you didn’t pick up the right kind of car insurance?

Michael McDonough is a National Account Representative for For more information on purchasing a commercial car insurance policy for your small business, visit them on the web at


Cheap Auto Insurance Interrelated Tip

February 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Cheap Auto Insurance

Article by Deepak Kulkarni

As you devour this article, remember that the rest of it contains valuable information related to Cheap Auto Insurance and in some way related to MEMS Prototyping, Bad Driver Auto Insurance, Travelers Health Insurance, Free Car Insurance Quotes Ontario, Ottawa Auto Insurance or Auto Owners Insurance Traverse City for your reading pleasure.

This article is dedicated to providing useful information regarding first-rate auto insurance quotes, as well as most other insurances needs you may have. When it comes to car insurance, some would say it is a dog-eat-dog world. It is not always easy to find an insurance policy that will provide you with a balance between the cheapest car insurance rates and expectation exceeding service. By finding this article, you have just successfully made the first step towards achieving that balance. Right here you will find extensive information on auto insurance quotes for all levels of drivers.

Buying auto insurance can be very expensive these days, but it is possible to reduce the overall costs a little and still make sure that you have all of the necessary insurance coverage for your car or automobile just in case you ever need it. Of course, one of the main things to consider when it comes to finding cheaper auto insurance is the type of car that you drive. After all, if you are driving a large powerful sports car that goes extremely fast and normally tends to encourage people to drive in an accelerated manner then chances are good that you will be required to pay a much higher car insurance premium based on the tendency for sports car owners to more than likely make insurance claims. So, naturally, if you own a smaller and less powerful car than it will most likely be cheaper for you to insure that vehicle which is based on the history of those types of car owners.

If you have more than one car, prefer taking its insurance from the same insurer or if the insurance agency that has insured your house also offers auto insurance, go with it only. This will not just be playing safely, but you may also get some deduction on the policies.

RECESS — As is obvious from the half of this article, even if your direct quest is Cheap Auto Insurance, reading to the end will prove helpful, as this article has also helped those looking for information about Insurance Agent List, Nevada Car Insurance Quotes, Affordable Motorcycle Insurance, Auto Owners Agents, Auto Club Southern California Insurance or even A Quote For Car Insurance.

Shop and compare each type of low cost auto insurance carrier to ensure you are getting the low cost auto insurance you deserve. Remember, you can always call your state’s insurance department, who maintains information on major low cost insurance companies. Utilizing all of the resources available to you will assist you attain low cost auto insurance.

Insuring two or more vehicles with the same insurance company can save you between 10 – 15% on your premiums. Covering your home through the same company that you have taken auto insurance can reduce your premiums by another 10-15%.

I know that as informative as this article is, it might not adequately cover your Cheap Auto Insurance quest. If this is so, don’t forget that the search engines like exist for looking up more information about Cheap Auto Insurance.

Last but definitely not least, check to see which insurance companies offer specific Senior Discounts.’ While shopping around for the best auto insurance rates is important, which insurance company you choose might depend on how they treat senior drivers. You’ll get their best rates if you’re healthy and drive a safe, modern vehicle.

It was intriguing to find that many people, oblivious of their background, found this article related to Cheap Auto Insurance and other Affordable Car Insurances, RACQ Car Insurance Quote, and even An Affordable Auto Insurance Water town Ma helpful.

So here is chance to get your free tips on Auto Insurance Quotes and in addition to that get basic information on saving money visit


Cheap Auto Insurance Related Resource

February 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Cheap Auto Insurance

Article by Deepak Kulkarni

If you are searching for information related to Cheap Auto Insurance or any other such as Vehicle Insurance Rating, Inexpensive Automobile Insurance, Fortune 500 Listings, Www Progressive Auto Insurance Com, A List Of Car Insurance Companies or An Affordable Auto Insurance Water town Ma you have come to the right article. This piece will provide you with not just general Cheap Auto Insurance information but also specific and helpful information. Enjoy it.

You have options when considering insurance for your vehicle. You can choose to carry minimal insurance such as liability, but your coverage will be limited. Liability insurance only usually covers damages to others involved, however it will not cover damages to your vehicle. By law, everyone needs to have liability insurance to drive. It is usually a wise choice to add collision and comprehensive insurance to your policy to protect yourself and your investment. Collision insurance will often cover your damages whether you are at fault or not in a situation where you are involved you in an accident. Comprehensive insurance covers occurrences such as fire, theft and vandalism. They can usually be added to your policy separately.

Probably, the number one feature that many consumers compare among the various car insurance companies they are thinking about purchasing their next auto insurance policy from is the price of the automobile insurance coverage. Let’s be honest, this is a valid reason, especially in today’s slightly inflated economy and with gas prices on a continue rise. The first thing that should be done when comparing auto insurance quotes is to make sure the insurance policies being quoted is similar among all of the auto insurance providers. Normally, insurance quotes are provided free of cost and they usually last or stay redeemable for about a period of 30 days. You also can easily compare prices online at each insurance provider’s company website or by speaking with a customer service agent or representative on the telephone.

Draw the benefit of low mileage discounts. Some companies offer deductions to motorists who drive less than average or estimated number of miles per year.

BREAK IN ARTICLE — I hope the first half of this article gave you some helpful information related to Cheap Auto Insurance. Even if you were specifically searching for Cheap Auto Insurance, this article should prove helpful. Keep reading as regards other somewhat related Car Insurance Riverside, Fortune 500 Richest People, Safe Driving Insurance, California Auto Club Insurance, Free Car Insurance Quotes Ontario and Free Instant Auto Insurance Quotes information.

Low cost auto insurance method four is to know the value of your car. You can call your auto loan provider for this information, or you can look for your car up in the Kelly Blue Book. If your car is older, consider reducing the coverage. You may not need collision if your car’s replacement value is less than the insurance premium.

Safety features such as air bags, traction control and anti-lock braking systems (ABS) are viewed positively by insurance companies which, in turn, are reflected in your premiums. Although these systems may not reduce injury during an accident, they will reduce your premiums.

If as related to Cheap Auto Insurance as this article is, and it still doesn’t answer all your needs, then don’t forget that you can conduct more search on any of the major search engines like to get more helpful Cheap Auto Insurance information.

Follow the flow of traffic, Drive at or near the speed limit. Driving too slowly can be just as dangerous as speeding, especially when entering or exiting from interstates or freeways. It can also trigger dangerous “road rage” in less patient drivers. You don’t have to be Mario Andretti, but keeping to the right and following the flow of traffic is the safest bet.

A lot of well-meaning people searching for Cheap Auto Insurance also searched online for An Affordable Auto Insurance Water town, Auto Insurance Points, and even I Just Saved A Bunch Of Money On Car Insurance.

So here is chance to get your free tips on Affordable Auto Insurance and in addition to that get basic information on saving money visit


Role of Broker in Car Insurance Policy

February 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by alien

You need to undergo a long process before buying an insurance policy for your automobiles; you have to stand in queue for long time outside every car insurance office, to know the feature covered by every company. Now a days you can directly visit insurance brokers who are the representative of different insurance companies to know about the coverage’s of different car insurance policies. So you get the opportunity of acquiring car insurance quotes of different insurance companies in the same place. The insurance brokers are actually the intermediates between the person who is willing to buy the insurance policy and the company providing insurance.

The broker must have the complete knowledge about the car insurance market so that he can guide the buyers in the best possible way. Also depending on your demands and your affordability the broker will choose you the best one available in the market. It will overcome the customer’s problem of confusion during comparison of car insurance policies. This technique helps in saving time and also the energy spend on moving from one place to another for better car insurance policy. We can get the policy in the best possible price concerning car insurance brokers.

Benefit of buying insurance policy through brokers is that you get the best policy according to your needs on best possible prices; also they provide you the rates that are not available for genuine people. You can also bargain with them and can provide a special discount to some extents. You can directly concern your car insurance broker at the time of filing claim. The similar role is also played by comparing sites which help you in comparing different policies and finding you the best one out of them. With the introduction of car insurance comparing sites the role of brokers is thinning every day.

Actually the comparison sites are also owned by brokers only. These sites not only compare the prices of car insurance policies but also of different items or holiday packages etc. This is good way for making those customers who are never interested in moving out of their houses. You can get detailed information about each car insurance policy just sitting at home. Comparison sites provide several options before you like brokers but it also have the disadvantage that at the time of claim only insurance brokers is involved may be for car, home, life etc.

Get answer to all of your auto insurance questions and obtain free car insurance quotes online.


Cheap Auto Insurance – Proven Tips to Lower The Rates!

February 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Cheap Auto Insurance

Article by Crex Sky

How many of us actually know the ways to get cheap auto insurance? Seriously, majority of us might not even know that cheap auto insurance actually exists! We have been depending on insurance agents to recommend and advise us when we are purchasing our auto policy. Obviously, the agents are the ones who know best about insurance, but they are also interested in making more profit and getting higher commissions. Therefore, we could not blame them if they are trying to talk us into getting expensive policies.

What we can do is to shop around and compare prices between companies before we take up policies with any of the companies. The rates between the companies can vary a lot depending on their profitability and other issues. Try to get several quotes from different companies in advance and compare them in terms of coverage and price. You should always choose the company which is able to offer you low rates with sufficient protection. There are also sites which enable vehicle owners to determine the best cheap auto insurance available in the market easily.

Next, we should always try to make our car as safe as we can. This will not only protect us and our car from accidents and damages, it would also help us to obtain cheap auto insurance. Protected cars have lower risks of getting damaged or stolen, hence lowering the possibility of the car owner to file claims. Therefore, we can consider fitting in some safety features like automatic seatbelts and steering wheel locks.

Besides that, we should not be shy to ask for discounts for our policy. Insurance companies usually do not voluntarily offer discounts to us if we do not ask for them. There are actually many types of discounts available. For example, there are discounts for good grades if you are a student, and also discounts for senior citizens if you have reached the age of 55. These discounts might not be a lot sometimes, but they would definitely help us to lower the cost of our auto insurance in the long run.

Lastly, we should always remind ourselves to drive carefully. Good driving record is a very important determinant when it comes to obtaining cheap auto insurance. No matter how adequate our cars are equipped with safety features, we would still be charged with very high rates if we have very bad driving records over the years. This is because we are directly raising our chances to get into accidents when we drive recklessly. Therefore, if we want to get cheap auto insurance badly, we should always try to maintain an excellent driving record.

Your opportunity to learn more about secret tips to get cheap auto insurance has finally arrived! There are still many ways to get cheap auto insurance quote. The key point is whether you are committed enough to find out the ways to lower rates. One of the easiest things that you can do is to visit my website. There are many tips and tricks available there for you to get the best deal of cheap auto insurance in town!

Go to, read all our recommended tips on how to get the cheapest auto insurance and start saving money now! There are many tips available, and you are sure to get some which suit your needs! Do not hesitate or you might regret in the future!


Classic Car Insurance Policy for Your Car

February 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by alien

If you have a car that is fifteen or sixteen years old then you will be unrestricted to cover it using the classic car insurance policy. There were many restriction imposed when you go for car insurance in past also with only limited features provided by it. There were insurance brokers who were approached when you wish to buy an insurance policy for your vehicle. The insurance companies and the insurance brokers both were exacting about the model, type etc of your car. There insurance quotes available online whenever you wish to buy an insurance policy you can go through the features provided by different companies on the internet.

Many of the most famous insurance companies are now available online, which saves your time as you do not need to visit the insurance broker’s office. The classic policy is now available online and also on cheap rates. New and new companies are entering every day in this field with new features and new options. As the competition is increasing companies are coming up with new ideas to attract people on cheapest possible prizes. You can choose the best of it on the cheap prizes.

All the classical policies available are provided by different companies so the terms and the coverage’s are also different. You can select the correct coverage by going through all these available policies. There are some restrictions that are imposed on driving your car if you have applied for the classic car insurance policy. Some of the policies limit your mileage which is number of miles covered per year. You can not exceed the mileage of your car if you want all the benefits of your insurance policy. You must go through all the quotes of the policy before purchasing it so that you may not be abandoned at the time of claim.

If you think you have to buy a classic car insurance policy then before applying go through all the options as there are many insurance policies that are providing insurance cover at cheaper rates for women, old people. Also person below twenty five year of age can not take the benefits of insurance but with time certain companies are also providing insurance for these people. Many companies are providing the insurance covers also for the people above twenty. The rates of insurance policy also vary with the price and model of cars. Cheap insurance is available for cars which are not very costly.

Get answer to all of your auto insurance questions and obtain free car insurance quotes online.


Cheap Auto Insurance – Something You Should Know Before Purchasing!

February 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Cheap Auto Insurance

Article by Crex Sky

It is not hard to get cheap auto insurance. Everybody is interested to get cheap auto insurance to save money on their premiums. There are many ways to get it and we will be discussing about it in this article.

If you do not own any car now and planning to purchase one, remember to ask your insurance agents about some options of cars that have relatively low premiums. There are some cars which are very expensive to insure no matter what you do. This is because they need to incur huge amount of repair fees when they are damaged. Insurance companies also need to pay you highly when your car gets stolen. Usually larger trucks and cars are the cheapest to insure if they do not cause heavy damages to other vehicles in an accident.

Next, you must always drive safely and refrain from getting tickets in order to get cheap auto insurance. Take advantage of your clean driving record and negotiate with your insurance company for some discounts on your premiums. Some companies might hesitate to provide you with lower rates even though you have excellent driving record. In this case, try to look for another company and you will sure to benefit from being a good and responsible driver.

Besides that, you must also be honest when you are providing information about yourself to your insurance company. For your information, insurance companies are actually inter-linked with each other and they exchange information everyday. Providing accurate and clear information to get free insurance quotes is a very crucial process. Please ensure that the information that you are giving to each company is the same. Never try to fill the quotes with different information or you would end up with higher insurance quotes. You would then have almost no chance to get cheap auto insurance.

Auto insurance is very important to every car owner, no matter what type of car they own. Even if they drive old cars with low selling value, they should always protect themselves with auto insurance for protection against car accidents and damages. Your opportunity to learn more about secret tips to get cheap auto insurance has finally arrived! There are many ways to get cheap auto insurance quote. The key point is whether you are committed enough to find out the ways to lower rates. You are welcomed to visit my website to gain more information about cheap auto insurance. There are many tips and tricks available there for you to get the best deal of cheap auto insurance in town! You would definitely find the tips that you need to get cheaper rates on your auto insurance.

Visit now and get to know how you can save more on your auto insurance premium! We hope that everyone can benefit from our website.


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