How To Get Affordable Car Insurance In Alabama

April 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Article by Alexis Jensen

You really need to buy car insurance before you drive on any road in Alabama. If you don’t – and you get caught – the results will be time-consuming and far more expensive than if you had just taken the time to find affordable car insurance in Alabama in the first place.

And it’s not really all that difficult to do – to find affordable car insurance in Alabama, that is.

The first thing you need to do is to simply drive legally at all times. Nothing will increase how much you pay for your car insurance faster than a speeding ticket or other moving violation.

And don’t even think about driving when you’re intoxicated or impaired in any way. If you are convicted of a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), you can forget all about getting affordable car insurance for a good long while.

If you have a garage in which you can keep your car at night make sure your agent knows as this could save you money every month.

If you can use public transportation for the bulk of your “driving” needs and keep your car in its garage most of the time, you can save a considerable amount of money through a Low-Mileage discount.

If you retire and stop driving to work and back every day your agent needs to know this as it can save you quite a chunk of change every month in insurance premiums.

If you’re 55 or older your company may offer a special 10% discount if you take – and pass – a special driver’s refresher course. Check with your agent to see if you qualify for this.

If you’re under 25 years old then your insurance company automatically places you in a special high-risk group and you are paying more for your insurance. You can cut your costs somewhat if you stay on your parents’ policy and you can save even more on top of that if you stay in school and can maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average. If you can do that you will qualify for a 5% Good Student Discount every single month.

Don’t waste your money paying for comprehensive or collision coverage on a car that has no Kelly Blue Book value. If you drive a clunker cancel your collision and comprehensive and use the money you save to get a newer car.

Don’t buy a new car without first checking with your agent so you know what the insurance will be. Some new cars cost a lot more to insure than others. Your agent can provide you with a list of cars that cost less to insure.

Don’t make a lot of small claims. Pay the small stuff yourself and only use your insurance for a major claim. The longer you can go without filing a claim the lower your rates go. Some companies give you a break after only 6 months of claim-free driving.

How large of a deductible can you afford to pay? Be honest with yourself about this because you’re going to have to come up with the deductible out of your own pocket if you ever file a claim – but just know that the larger of a deductible that you can afford to pay, the less you’ll be charged for your car insurance every month.

Now take the information that you’ve learned from this article and use it to fill in the form on at least 3 different websites that compare prices from different insurance companies for car insurance here in Alabama.

Make sure you put the same information into the forms on all 3 websites so that your results will be useful and then simply choose the insurance company with the best price and you’re golden! You’ve now gotten the most affordable car insurance in Alabama and you can look forward to saving money month after month for a long time to come.

My recommended sites here: Affordable Car Insurance Quotes in Alabama Lowest Rates on Auto Insurance.


Tips On Getting Low Cost Insurance For Your Car

April 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Low Cost Health, Life etc

Article by Randolph Summitt

If you want to achieve low cost insurance for your car then there is no reason why you shouldn’t achieve this. You do, of course, need to be aware that the price you pay will be based on your risk. Your risk is something that you may not be able to alter and manipulate to a high degree and therefore you may be stuck in a certain bracket when it comes to the price you pay.

However, there is nothing to say that you cannot achieve much better rates than other people in a similar position to you. There are lots of things you can do in order to achieve savings. One such option is to compare prices. If you went up purchasing any type of product or service you would always compare prices on the same is true of getting car coverage.

You do need to check upon how financial stable the provider is. Before you select any provider you do need to ensure that they are fully financially secure. If not you may end up running into serious problems if you do have an accident and file a claim. It might be that they are not financially stable enough to deal with your claim, or simply that they take a lot of time through the process.

Getting a high deductible will help you reduce premiums. The deductible is the payment that you will agree to pay the insurance company before they step in and handle your claim. If you simply raise your deductible by a few hundred dollars you might end up seeing some decent savings on your coverage bill. You do have to consider, however, that you need to be financial stable enough to actually cover the deductible if you need to, so don’t go raising it out of reach.

If your vehicle is slightly older then you may want to consider dropping your level of coverage. For example, you may have had comprehensive and collision coverage in the past, but now that your vehicle is older and less valuable, this may not be necessary. If you drop these from your policy then you will certainly save a lot of money.

Look to a multi-policy low cost insurance discount. A multi-policy discount will help you to make savings if you purchase several different policies from the same provider. If you do need more than one type of insurance policy, always look to this option.

The best low cost insurance for your car now at your finger tips! Get comprehensive info in our guide to how and where to find quote comparing demo video .


Review Your Policy for Cheap Auto Insurance Rates

March 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Cheap Auto Insurance

Article by Chris Robertson

It’s not unusual for people to look for cheap auto insurance rates when they first insure a new car, but few follow up at renewal time to make sure they’re still getting the cheapest auto insurance rates possible. One of the best times to reduce your current premiums is the time when most people expect their insurance premiums to go up – renewal time. If your policy is up for renewal soon, or if you’ve already received your insurance policy renewal, these tips can help you find savings in your current policy, or find cheap auto insurance rates with another company online.

First, find the declaration page of your insurance policy. It may also be called a summary page. It usually looks like a chart, and lists all of your insurance coverage. It will list who is covered, and for how much, and should also tell you which discounts you are receiving on your policy or which ones you may qualify for. If there’s anything you don’t understand, contact your insurance agent for an explanation. If you bought cheap auto insurance through the company directly, contact their customer service department and ask them to explain it to you.

Look over the mandatory coverage entries. Every state requires a specific amount of coverage for bodily injury and property damage liability. In some states, a policy that only covers these minimums offers the best cheap insurance rates you can get. This coverage protects you from financial damage if you’re involved in a car accident that causes property damage or bodily injury. In many cases, those compulsory limits may be too low, but you can keep it low if you consider an umbrella policy that provides additional personal liability coverage. An umbrella policy may be cheaper than carrying additional liability coverage on your auto insurance policy.

The optional insurance policy includes many different types of insurance, including collision insurance, which pays for repairs to your vehicle if you’re involved in an accident that is your fault; uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, which covers the cost of repairs to your vehicle if you’re involved in an accident with a driver that doesn’t have insurance; and loan lease coverage, which may be required by the lender if you have a loan outstanding on your car. Those three types of insurance are usually worthwhile, but many other optional insurance types cost more than they’re worth – or are available through other means. For example, your policy may include coverage for towing and labor which is cheaper through a roadside assistance company, and limited coverage, such as glass protection. If you’re looking for cheap insurance rates, eliminating duplicated or unnecessary coverage could save you a considerable amount on your annual premiums.

Finally, look over your discounts and credits. These will vary from one insurer to the next, but may include multi-policy discounts if you insure your home and auto with the same company, discounts for insuring more than one vehicle, discounts for buying your auto insurance online, discounts for paying your auto insurance in full – even discounts for maintaining high grades in your college classes. You’ll also find that safety features such as airbags and parking assistance systems can help you get cheap auto insurance rates.

Once you go over your policy to find ways to save money, call your insurance agent to discuss possible discounts – but don’t let loyalty blind you to the cheapest auto insurance rates. Look online for cheap auto insurance rates at websites that allow you to submit multiple quote requests to find out if other companies can give you a better deal on your auto insurance.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world’s MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.Learn more about Cheap Auto Insurance Rates.


Car insurance policy

March 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Brenda Williams

One of the most important things that you need to keep in mind while buying a valuable commodity is to insure it. There are insurance companies offering policies which cover all aspects of our daily existence, from our health to wealth. It is therefore no different with vehicles or your personal car. Auto or car insurance is an extremely beneficial investment. You don’t want to lose control one day in the high speed lanes, injure yourself and your car and dump it helplessly. A car insurance policy is extremely vital and valid in order to prevent such mishaps.

A car insurance policy in the US in fact also acts as insurance for he driver of the car. A car insurance policy there covers many aspects. First of all the physical damage suffered by your car is covered. This means that in case of collision the property loss to your car is covered. Secondly, there is the comprehensive coverage which insures your car in the event of damage caused by non-collision factors, such as fire, theft, vandalism, etc. The car insurance policy also covers the liabilities, which may either be bodily injury or property damage.

The insurance covering for the bodily injury relates to the incident of death of the driver, which may either be you or anyone else recognized by the car insurance policy. In case of property damage it relates to the damage caused to someone else’s vehicle or property by your car. The extent of the liability is fixed at the time of insurance however. Besides these a car insurance policy also covers your medical expenses resulting from accidents.

Hence as you can see, the importance of a car insurance policy cannot be overstated. It is not only meant for the safety of your car alone but more importantly for the well-being of you and your family.

Brenda is the owner of Auto Insurance Quote website. She posts the latest car insurance news, new car insurance quotes, and Old Car insurance quotes.


Young Adults On Their Parents Car Insurance Policies

March 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Car Insurance Policies

Article by Danny Aaron

It is a widely known statistic that a lot of young people under the age of 25 are listed as secondary drivers on their parents’ car insurance policies. As the new statistics have come together, it has been noticed that this age bracket has risen, and now adults up to the age of 31 are being listed on their parents’ car insurance policies as secondary drivers.

Because these young adults are listed as a second driver on their parents’ insurance policies, they are saving a lot of money in the running cost of having a car. With the financial downturn in many countries in the world, young adults are finding any way possible to cut costs. They are now moving back in with their parents, and trying to merge their car insurance policies. Car insurance can be a very expensive monthly bill, especially for drivers under the age of 25, as they fall into a higher risk bracket. Because car insurance is legally obligated in a lot of countries, people cannot afford to be without it. Unfortunately, sometimes they are financially unable to have it on their own.

There is, however, a line that cannot be crossed with regards to this. There is no problem with someone putting themselves down as a secondary driver on another person’s insurance policy, so long as they only drive the car occasionally. The problem comes when parents put their children down as secondary drivers on their policy, when they are in fact the main driver of that vehicle. Research shows that the numbers of people who do this are increasing dramatically. In order to save on the cost of insurance, young adults are putting themselves on their parents’ car insurance policies as secondary drivers, when they are in fact the sole driver of the vehicle.

This is seen as insurance fraud. If one of these young drivers is in an accident, and the insurance investigators find out that they are actually a primary driver on a vehicle they were listed as a secondary driver for, they will not pay out. Even worse, these drivers could be charged for fraud! It goes so far that the young driver will purchase their own vehicle, and register it in their own name, yet they will put the insurance for the car in their parent’s name, as if they are the main driver of the vehicle.

In order to avoid the repercussions of this kind of car insurance fraud, it is highly recommended that young adults take out their own insurance policies. Even if this is not financially viable, it must be done! It is pointless for parents to put their children on their insurance policies, and pay that money every month, when the insurance company will not pay out when they find out about the fraud being committed. In desperate financial times, young adults can even take out third party insurance, which is one of the cheapest options available. This cover will pay out for the damages to the other vehicle the driver hits. It may not cover the actual vehicle being driven, but it is better than nothing. Especially if the young adult drives into a luxury vehicle!

For more information on the best car insurance in South Africa visit


Getting an Affordable Car Insurance Quote

March 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Article by Brent A. Kenny

There are three basic ways of getting an affordable car insurance quote. These are to buy the least expensive to repair car that you can, to take all the options that you can that would normally reduce your premium, and finally to compare quotes from a number of auto insurers and then negotiate the best low cost car insurance quote you can.

Let’s look at each of these individually. First the car. You might not be purchasing a new car., but if you are you should consider whether you can get a cheap car insurance quote when purchasing it. There is more than just the price you pay to consider. Is the car foreign?Because if so, the parts are going to cost a lot more than for a domestic car. A high performance domestically manufactured car can cost less to repair than a cheaper lower performance equivalent from abroad, so while you car might be a few dollars more to buy, it can a lot less expensive to insure, so that might affect you choice.

So, on to the second way, which is that which is used by the vast majority of people. You have many options when insuring your car that could make a significant difference to the cost of your premium. When you request a quotation, you have quite a few options you can take. Your basic policy will be quoted on what you request, taking into account the age of your car and the make and the model. The most affordable quotes depend on the options you choose when arranging the details of your cover.

First you have the option of the deductible. The higher the deductible you opt for, then the lower your premium price. The reason for that is twofold. Obviously, if you have to pay more in the event of an accident then the insurance company will pay less. However, there is more to it than that. The insurer will consider that if you opt for a high deductible, then you must feel confident about your driving. That being the case then you must feel that you are fairly likely to be involved in accident of your own doing.

After all, if you frequently had collisions then you would hardly opt for a high deductible, because you would be paying out all the time. That is why you can get a lower policy price of you go for a higher deductible and it is worth going for of you can afford a few hundred dollar for the odd error. Theoretically if somebody bangs into you, then they are responsible and you should not have to pay anything – the other party’s insurance should cover it.

Secondly, the cheapest car insurance can be negotiated if you have a good driving record, so if you have had a record of no claims for at least three years you can negotiate a very affordable quote. That of course depends on history, and you can’t do much about that when you are seeking an affordable auto insurance quote. However, there are some things you can do before seeking it.

Make sure you car has as many safety devices installed as possible, and have any that are missing fitted. Air bags always reduce premium costs, especially for drivers and front seat passengers. Anti-lock braking helps and so do any anti-theft devices. You can get auto cheap insurance if your car is safe to drive.

Finally, get quotes from as many companies as possible, but at least three. Compare them, and then go for the cheapest. It is sometimes possible to negotiate a low cost car insurance quote if the company knows that you are getting quotes from others. However, the best way to get an affordable car insurance quote is to go back to your regular auto insurer and let them know that you have been looking around. You will be surprised at the discounts that can come crawling out of the woodwork!

Copyright 2007 – Brent A. Kenny. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, follow all of the Articles terms of service for Publishers.


Cheap Auto Insurance Tips

March 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Cheap Auto Insurance

Article by Jim Wilson

Cheap Auto Insurance is your ultimate goal when searching for the least amount of cost for the maximum amount of coverage. Let’s consider that you have a clean driving record and you want to be rewarded for your safe driving. First you must realize insurance is not totally designed around your safe record. In fact, your insurance rates are affected as much for where you live, as your driving record results.

Did you know that if you live in a high accident area or region, as the insurance companies refer to them, you will pay a higher premium? It’s quite true. And if you own a high risk automobile, one that is high on the “most stolen” list, yep, you’ll pay more for car insurance.

So, how do you find cheap auto insurance ? Well, considering you don’t want to move to another state, and you already own a high risk vehicle that you just can’t part with, I suggest you go online and shop the numerous insurance carriers that are at your fingertips.

It pays to shop around for cheap auto insurance and there are things you can control when you ask for certain consideration in your price quotes. In general, auto insurance comapanies are geared to give you the best coverage they sell. Naturally they want to make the most money from you. Don’t be mistaken, insurance agents love you for one reason and one reason only. A portion of every policy they sell, they pocket a commission for themselves. The more policies they sell and the more each policy is priced, the more they make. Insurance agents not only make an initial commission, they receive a portion of every payment you make, for as long as you own the insurance policy.

Here’s one way to get cheap auto insurance. Ask yourself this question; If I were to get into a small fender scratch accident, would I turn it in on the insurance policy? If not, you should never sign up for a low deductible policy. If you would spend 0 out of pocket before using your insurance, et a 0 deductible policy instead of the higher priced 0 deductible policy the insrance agent recommends. Better yet, if you want to save a lot more money sign up for a 00 deductible policy. This will save you the most money for an accident free policy.

Other ways you can acquire a cheap auto insurance rate is to group all of your assets together. If you use the same insurance carrier for your auto insurance and your homeowners insurance, you’ll get a group rate discount, further adding to receiving the cheapest auto insurance as possible.

If you’re still with me, I have found a top 100 Insurance companies list online, that will assist you in locating cheap auto insurance quotes. The list of insurance companies is a composite of insurance carriers that provide only auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and motorcycle insurance, but some will handle all of your insurance needs under one roof. Those are the ones I would highly recommend.The site is located here:

Just remember this, you’re only in “good hands” until you file a claim, and then you can decide who is really “on your side”. And “Like a good neighbor” ask your neighbors who they use and you’ll probably get a list of horror stories about the ones to avoid. Happy Hunting!

Jim is an avid online netpreneur that enjoys finding and sharing valuable links around the web that benefit your online experience. Today Jim has touched on the insurance shopping topic and you can discover in detail his findings here:


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