Getting the Most Out of Affordable Car Insurance Quotes

April 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Does such a creature as affordable insurance quotes exist? Not only do such quotes exist they are easily accessible. You simply have to search for them. You will also need to look towards those hubs on the internet that can perform effective searches for such affordable insurance quotes. Most people generally have an understanding of this fact. What many people may not have an understanding of how to inform a car insurance provider that they are a good investment.

In other words, you need to let the insurance provider realize you are both a safe driver as well as someone that takes great care in protecting a car. You would even point out that your lifestyle reduces the chances of something happening to the car.

Most are well aware of the fact that a bad driver that has amassed a host of moving violations would be a poor choice for any insurance provider. Yes, they will provide a policy but the entire notion of affordable car insurance quotes might be considered somewhat of a rarity. When you have a bad driving record, you will not see all that much in terms of a decent car insurance policy. That is just the way things work.

However, there are other components that can lower car insurance. You simply need to make the provider aware of your driving situation. For example, do you park you car on the street or within a garage or a gated community? If the car is in a garage the odds of something happening to the car will diminish since it is not at risk of being hit by an errant car.

Do you drive to work or do you commute? If you commute then you car is not on the road as much as it would be if you were driving on the highways up and back five days a week. This also reduces the potential for an accident befalling the car. When you use the car less, the less the chances are that damage will befall the car. This means you can enhance the potential to procure affordable car insurance quotes.

This is why you need to let the providers know the totality of your situation. Those that leave helpful information off the application will not be helping their cause at all. They are not informing the insurance provider about how low of a risk they truly are.

What happens if the application does not provide space for such information? Basically, send out an email detailing the additional information needed to get a solid affordable car insurance quote. Such additional informational will get to where it needs to go and it will be taken seriously. The car insurance industry is a competitive one and the providers must be able to offer competitive rates in order to sell its policies.

So, you can acquire affordable insurance quotes. You just need to take a few extra steps to help yourself in this regard.


How To Get Affordable Car Insurance In Alabama

April 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Article by Alexis Jensen

You really need to buy car insurance before you drive on any road in Alabama. If you don’t – and you get caught – the results will be time-consuming and far more expensive than if you had just taken the time to find affordable car insurance in Alabama in the first place.

And it’s not really all that difficult to do – to find affordable car insurance in Alabama, that is.

The first thing you need to do is to simply drive legally at all times. Nothing will increase how much you pay for your car insurance faster than a speeding ticket or other moving violation.

And don’t even think about driving when you’re intoxicated or impaired in any way. If you are convicted of a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), you can forget all about getting affordable car insurance for a good long while.

If you have a garage in which you can keep your car at night make sure your agent knows as this could save you money every month.

If you can use public transportation for the bulk of your “driving” needs and keep your car in its garage most of the time, you can save a considerable amount of money through a Low-Mileage discount.

If you retire and stop driving to work and back every day your agent needs to know this as it can save you quite a chunk of change every month in insurance premiums.

If you’re 55 or older your company may offer a special 10% discount if you take – and pass – a special driver’s refresher course. Check with your agent to see if you qualify for this.

If you’re under 25 years old then your insurance company automatically places you in a special high-risk group and you are paying more for your insurance. You can cut your costs somewhat if you stay on your parents’ policy and you can save even more on top of that if you stay in school and can maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average. If you can do that you will qualify for a 5% Good Student Discount every single month.

Don’t waste your money paying for comprehensive or collision coverage on a car that has no Kelly Blue Book value. If you drive a clunker cancel your collision and comprehensive and use the money you save to get a newer car.

Don’t buy a new car without first checking with your agent so you know what the insurance will be. Some new cars cost a lot more to insure than others. Your agent can provide you with a list of cars that cost less to insure.

Don’t make a lot of small claims. Pay the small stuff yourself and only use your insurance for a major claim. The longer you can go without filing a claim the lower your rates go. Some companies give you a break after only 6 months of claim-free driving.

How large of a deductible can you afford to pay? Be honest with yourself about this because you’re going to have to come up with the deductible out of your own pocket if you ever file a claim – but just know that the larger of a deductible that you can afford to pay, the less you’ll be charged for your car insurance every month.

Now take the information that you’ve learned from this article and use it to fill in the form on at least 3 different websites that compare prices from different insurance companies for car insurance here in Alabama.

Make sure you put the same information into the forms on all 3 websites so that your results will be useful and then simply choose the insurance company with the best price and you’re golden! You’ve now gotten the most affordable car insurance in Alabama and you can look forward to saving money month after month for a long time to come.

My recommended sites here: Affordable Car Insurance Quotes in Alabama Lowest Rates on Auto Insurance.


Getting an Affordable Car Insurance Quote

March 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Article by Brent A. Kenny

There are three basic ways of getting an affordable car insurance quote. These are to buy the least expensive to repair car that you can, to take all the options that you can that would normally reduce your premium, and finally to compare quotes from a number of auto insurers and then negotiate the best low cost car insurance quote you can.

Let’s look at each of these individually. First the car. You might not be purchasing a new car., but if you are you should consider whether you can get a cheap car insurance quote when purchasing it. There is more than just the price you pay to consider. Is the car foreign?Because if so, the parts are going to cost a lot more than for a domestic car. A high performance domestically manufactured car can cost less to repair than a cheaper lower performance equivalent from abroad, so while you car might be a few dollars more to buy, it can a lot less expensive to insure, so that might affect you choice.

So, on to the second way, which is that which is used by the vast majority of people. You have many options when insuring your car that could make a significant difference to the cost of your premium. When you request a quotation, you have quite a few options you can take. Your basic policy will be quoted on what you request, taking into account the age of your car and the make and the model. The most affordable quotes depend on the options you choose when arranging the details of your cover.

First you have the option of the deductible. The higher the deductible you opt for, then the lower your premium price. The reason for that is twofold. Obviously, if you have to pay more in the event of an accident then the insurance company will pay less. However, there is more to it than that. The insurer will consider that if you opt for a high deductible, then you must feel confident about your driving. That being the case then you must feel that you are fairly likely to be involved in accident of your own doing.

After all, if you frequently had collisions then you would hardly opt for a high deductible, because you would be paying out all the time. That is why you can get a lower policy price of you go for a higher deductible and it is worth going for of you can afford a few hundred dollar for the odd error. Theoretically if somebody bangs into you, then they are responsible and you should not have to pay anything – the other party’s insurance should cover it.

Secondly, the cheapest car insurance can be negotiated if you have a good driving record, so if you have had a record of no claims for at least three years you can negotiate a very affordable quote. That of course depends on history, and you can’t do much about that when you are seeking an affordable auto insurance quote. However, there are some things you can do before seeking it.

Make sure you car has as many safety devices installed as possible, and have any that are missing fitted. Air bags always reduce premium costs, especially for drivers and front seat passengers. Anti-lock braking helps and so do any anti-theft devices. You can get auto cheap insurance if your car is safe to drive.

Finally, get quotes from as many companies as possible, but at least three. Compare them, and then go for the cheapest. It is sometimes possible to negotiate a low cost car insurance quote if the company knows that you are getting quotes from others. However, the best way to get an affordable car insurance quote is to go back to your regular auto insurer and let them know that you have been looking around. You will be surprised at the discounts that can come crawling out of the woodwork!

Copyright 2007 – Brent A. Kenny. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, follow all of the Articles terms of service for Publishers.


Affordable Car Insurance

March 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Article by Brent A. Kenny

Affordable car insurance is basically an insurance policy that you can afford to pay. You must make sure, however, that what is affordable when you purchase the policy remains affordable when you have a collision. This is not always the case.

One of the options you have when negotiating cheap car insurance is your deductible. That can make a tremendous difference to your policy cost, but when the time comes that you have an accident then it can cost you a lot of money that you might have forgotten that you agreed to pay. You end up with no money or no car. Naturally if you are loaded it makes no difference, but then neither do you need the high deductible for the low cost auto insurance.

Another option that could end up biting you on the booty is to have a sole driver agreement. You can bet your soon to be sore booty that when the time comes then you will relent to your son’s or daughter’s pleadings and let them the car only for that one special night. You know the rest and will need a pillow to sit on. You could even lose your car if your insurers refuse to relent – and why should they?

The message from these examples are clear: go for the most inexpensive car insurance you can get by all means, but make sure that the options you agree to will be suitable for you. Otherwise pay the extra and sleep better at night. Even the most affordable policy is not worth the worry of having to pay too much yourself in the event of a collision or of upsetting your children through your meanness.

You can also get an affordable car insurance rate if you have all the safety features you can think of. ABS braking (advanced braking system), car theft alarms, steering locks and any other anti-theft devices help you to get a cheap quote, as do air bags for passengers as well as drivers, and side air bags particularly impress them.

Lumping all your insurances with the same company is guaranteed to work, and you can dramatically reduce the cost of your child’s student car insurance by adding it to yours. Auto insurance comparison can help by pointing you in the direction of the cheapest company and you could secure an even more inexpensive rates if you inform your regular auto insurance company of what you have been offered. Nobody likes to lose a customer, and might lower their price below what they would normally offer just to retain your business.

Car insurers are hard nosed people, and not normally associated with philanthropy, but you can make them bend with persistence. They have pride, and your best chance of a reduction in your current policy is to let them think that they are to lose you to a competitor. Just make a small comment to the effect that they are seeking online testimonials, and you might get a positive reaction.

Have you though of asking your company if they have a group discount facility, whereby employees can get cheap policy with the company insurance providers? If so get a quote, and if not ask why not? Most companies have leverage with their insurance companies and there is no reason why they cannot use that to get their employees more affordable quotes. In fact if they fail to do so it should be regarded as negligence!

Finally, how about taking an advanced driving course? You want the cheaper car insurance after all, so why shouldn’t you do something to earn it. An advanced driver’s course will almost certainly reduce your premium. If your auto insurer refuses, then threaten to switch companies. That will change their minds.

If you want more affordable car insurance, you have to be prepared to do something to earn it, but don’t overstretch yourself on the deductible unless you can really afford it.

Copyright 2007 – Brent A. Kenny. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, follow all of the Articles terms of service for Publishers.


Affordable Car Insurance Quotes

March 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Car Insurance quotes, if wisely drawn up, can attract people to find the right automobile insurance policy. Whether one owns a car, Truck, SUV, or several vehicles, a proper picture of what they are going in for, when taking a policy, is outlined in the car insurance quotes offered by several companies online, for free. Take advantage of these free car insurance quotes and arm yourself with the best affordable car insurance product for you and your family.

Most States have made it mandatory for car owners to take out an automobile insurance. Some offer very low rates with car insurance quotes and this generally misleads the owner who ends up paying more than he bargained for, in case of an accident. Therefore, it is imperative that car insurance quotes are well scrutinized before making a decision. Since car insurance quotes can be downloaded free, select several insurance agencies in your area and get comparative car insurance quotes with details of payment terms, etc. Check with a licensed agent who has a good reputation in your area. Getting car insurance quotes from cheap automobile insurance agents could put you and your family in jeopardy in case of a severe accident. Beware of agencies that offer ridiculously low car insurance quotes and disappear after receiving down payment. You could loose what you thought was a good investment.

Car insurance quotes show that a hybrid electric vehicle could cost far less than a fancy sports car with bright metallic colors. If you are looking for an affordable option, chose wisely and get good comparative car insurance quotes from your licensed agent, so that you are protected in any eventuality. The car insurance quotes, available free, guides you as to the right type of coverage you need. Normally, the basic insurance covers liability and third party damage only. Check if your car insurance quotes cover gap insurance, whether listing your college going kid who is using your car is a good option etc. Weigh the pros and cons with the car insurance quotes that you have collected and consider all the options.

What are affordable car insurance quotes? A premium rate, in line with the cost of the vehicle, deductibles that ensure your liabilities are covered when there is a collision, even though you are not at fault, and more importantly, covers the medical expenses for you and your family, should there be a severe accident. Get car insurance quotes for protection against accidents arising from accidents caused by the driver of the faulting vehicle. Make sure, when you read the car insurance quotes listed, you are covered for medical expenses of the third party too. Medical expenses can send you to the cleaners if you are not sharp. It is not necessary that your car insurance quotes be clubbed with house and property insurance. Look for affordable yet well-covered car insurance quotes when you shop for insurance protection. Give your family the love and protection they look for.


Affordable Car Insurance-How Your Car Choice Impacts Auto Insurance Rates

March 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Article by Kate Rieger

Everyone wants to save money, and one way people tend to do this is by shopping for the cheapest car insurance. There are a number of factors that come into play that will affect your premium when shopping for affordable car insurance. One of the main factors in determining how affordable your auto insurance will be is the kind of vehicle that you own.

The type of vehicle you own can play a big role in finding car insurance for a number of reasons. First of all, some cars have more of a likelihood of being stolen than other cars. If you own a Cadillac Escalade, a Pathfinder Armada, or a Hummer, the most affordable car insurance option may not be as affordable as it is for owners of other vehicles, as they are among the most targeted vehicles for car thieves. The more susceptible your vehicle is to being stolen, the higher your premium will be.

Some cars are also more expensive to repair than others, which will also play a role in finding the most auto insurance. If you own a Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, or Audi, it is not likely that you will be able to find a premium that is comparable to a Toyota or a Honda. In the event you have an accident and the insurance company has to cover the repairs, the amount they will have to pay out will be much greater than repairs made to a less costly vehicle, meaning your insurance company is going to charge you more to cover your car.

Typically, the most affordable car insurance is for autos that feature a 4 cylinder engine and four doors. Since there are many drivers who own vehicles that are not in this category, it is important to search for the most affordable car insurance by getting quotes from various providers. It is good to keep in mind that you need to review the coverage provided by the policy you are interested in to make sure that you are actually getting the most affordable insurance for you. You may find that the cheapest quote also provides for a high deductible or a coverage amount that is way below what you could get by paying a couple of dollars more through another provider.

Remembering that the type of car you own will have a bearing on your premium and finding a provider that can give you the highest coverage amount with the lowest premium are major factors in finding the most affordable car insurance for your needs.

I Went from Paying 0 a month for Car Insurance to only 1 a month! You can find affordable car insurance deal when you visit and Enter your Zip code and within a few minutes you’ll have quotes which will help you save hundreds per month!


What Are The Factors That Determine The Most Affordable Car Insurance?

February 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Affordable Car Insurance

Article by Kate Rieger

Everyone wants to have affordable car insurance. There are a number of factors that insurance providers consider that can make your insurance premium cheaper or more expensive. By being aware of these factors you can be better prepared to find an affordable car insurance policy that will be right for you.

One of the main factors in determining your car insurance premium is the type of car you drive. Sports cars and luxury cars are generally more expensive to insure for two reasons. These cars are favorites for auto theft and also cost more to repair. When looking for affordable car insurance, it is important to remember that the more expensive your car is to repair and the more likely it is to be stolen, the more you are going to pay for your coverage.

Age is also a major factor in finding the most affordable car insurance. Younger drivers are more expensive to insure simply because they are new to the road and more likely to have an accident than someone who has been driving for a number of years. Keep in mind that participation in a defensive driving course is something that can help in lowering the premium and making your policy more affordable.

Another factor that will have an effect on how affordable your car insurance will be is driving history. Someone who has received a number of speeding tickets or other moving violations will pay a higher premium than someone with a good driving record. Having accidents will also result in a higher premium and make your insurance less affordable.

It’s unfair, but it matters whether you are a male or female driver. Males between 16 and 25 are more likely to pay higher premiums than females of the same age. This is mainly because young males tend to drive more and take more risks than young females. By achieving a good record for driving your premiums become more affordable.

Where you live and work will also be factors in determining your car insurance premium, This is because some areas are considered high crime zones where your vehicle becomes more likely to be stolen or vandalized, meaning you will have to pay more for the coverage you need. All of these things are important when trying to find affordable car insurance.

By being aware of these factors you can be better prepared in knowing what to expect from insurance providers and find the best quote with the proper amount of coverage for your vehicle.

You can get affordable car insurance like I did when you visit and Enter your Zip code. Within a few minutes you’ll have quotes which will help you save hundreds per month!


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